Jack London
The Star Rover
The Jacket

The Star Rover The Jacket

Jack London2015
The Star Rover, is a collection of short stories revolves around the concept of reincarnation. It tells the story of San Quentin death-row inmate Darrell Standing, who escapes the horror of prison life -and long stretches in a straitjacket- by withdrawing into vivid memories of past lives, including incarnations as a French nobleman and an Englishman in medieval Korea. Based on the life and imprisonment of Jack London's friend Ed Morrell, this is one of the author's most complex and original works. Dealing with questions of reincarnation, out of body experiences and the potential of the human mind to transcend the physical body to explore other lives and the universe. This is considered by many the best novel describing the out of body experience or astral projection.
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