The Proletarian's Pocketbook
Inspired by Mao's Little Red Book, this work is full of quotes to inspire and teach revolution. With quotes from the Combahee River Collective, Mao, Lenin, bell hooks, Assata Shakur, 2pac, Malcolm X, Stalin, Les Feinberg, Fred Hampton, Fanon, and more, this book is bound to inspire the revolutionary spirit inside you and your comrades to organize, educate, and revolt! Full list of authors: Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin Mumia Abu-Jamal Sundiata Acoli James Baldwin Amilcar Cabral Fidel Castro Che Guevara Combahee River Collective Angela Davis Dimitrov Frederick Douglass Friedrich Engels Frantz Fanon Les Feinberg Paulo Freire Anuradha Ghandy Fred Hampton Harry Haywood Ho Chi Min bell hooks Enver Hoxha Dolores Ibarruri Kim Il-Sung George Jackson Jonathan Jackson Marsha P. Johnson Claudia Jones Frida Kahlo Ghasson Kanafani Leila Khaled Martin Luther King, Jr. Alexandra Kollantai James and Grace Lee Boggs Vladimir Lenin Audre Lorde Rosa Luxemburg Nelson Mandela Mao Tse-Tung Sub Marcos José Mariátegui Carlos Marighella Karl Marx Chico Mendes Evo Morales Toni Morrison Huey P. Newton Kwame Nkrumah Michael Parenti Rashid Paul Robeson Walter Rodney Arundhati Roy Thomas Sankara Bobby Seale Chief Seattle Assata Shakur Tupac Shakur Nina Simone Bhagat Singh Joseph Stalin Sukarno Kwame Ture Malcolm X Xi Jinping Malala Yousafzai