
Fraser Simons@frasersimons
The shadowy cabal makes a move, forcing Wilson out from the shadows. There’s a very excellent choose-your-own-adventure issue that’s double the size by splitting pages in half, all about Lizzie’s backstory. More reveals than anything previous, and one or two plot tangents are closed entirely (AFAI remember). The concept of a liminal, physical space for both the mark a story has on culture and history, while also putting a different importance on the relationships to stories, is such a fantastic device and commentary. Fertile ground the series builds on, I happen to know. Such a fun and excellent re-read, knowing what comes in the very next issue.

James Dziemianzuk @jamesdz

The Rabid Geek@therabidg33k

Ashley Janssen@aninterestingidea

Magnus Dahl@gorillotaur

Ahmed Bakr@abakr92

Risa C@risa

Chafik Badache@chaf

Chad Henderson@elmofromok

Greg Park@greg


Sean McGilvray@semanticdrifter