Outwitting the devil the secret to freedom and success
Originally written in 1938 but never published due to its controversial nature, an insightful guide reveals the seven principles of good that will allow anyone to triumph over the obstacles that must be faced in reaching personal goals.

This book completely changes your perspective on life and on the human world we created. A book 83 years old and it is completely timeless, maybe some of the problems written are even worse nowadays. I get it that it is a thought-provoking book in general, but if you are not 100% a "drifter" as stated by the author, you should get valuable information to meditate and take action upon while reading this book. It is certainly a book I will come back to from time to time.

Time: 6h. A rare book that I've read literally from cover to cover! A great read for those looking to face fear and find a definitive purpose in life! Recommended for everyone. I'm speechless and inspired. Full head with food for thought.

Mark Osterhoff@mdosterh

José Sousa@jose_sousa

Angelina Blyth@airplane_flaps

Kamu Pancholi@kamupancholi

Landon Alder@landonalder

Andy Sporring@andysporring