See Through Heart

This book was pretty amazing! I love the fact that this book started off when Ainsley was still really young and this continued for quite awhile. I think that this really helped me understand later events and how she handled things. Even little Aiden started off to be a potential bookboyfriend. Lori was cute and loved Ainsely and Aiden a lot. It sucked she had her own demons to fight. The interaction between the three of them felt natural and really easy. From the start I knew Ainsley and Aiden were meant to be together. This was a very emotional book. I understand that Ainsley pushed everyone away, but that really broke the people close to her. Even though more devestating news brings her back home, it helps heal her in ways she didn't realize she needed. The fact that the author used Aiden's point of view through the last part of the book was an excellent addition to the book. His grand gesture was amazing! What got me the most was reading the author's note and knowing how close to home this book was for her. It probably wasn't easy to write, but she did an amazing job.