Solo: A Star Wars Story: Expanded Edition

This book catapulted Solo from being a good Star Wars movie to one of my absolute favourites! The little details and further development of the characters really help to enrich the story more than the movie ever could (unless they actually gave us a sequel, but it's fine 😤). It was especially interesting to see what happened to Qi'ra after Han left and the journey she had to take to become a lieutenant of Crimson Dawn! Seeing Han as an Imperial pilot was also fantastic (which there is also a comic series about that I highly recommend!). I always recommend this book to people who were on the fence about Solo; it will make you watch the film in a different way and the novel just tells a good, fleshed out story. I sincerely hope Mur Lafferty gets to write more for Star Wars, especially if it's another Han book, she really nails his tone!

Oh, wow, this was good. I wanted to read this book to get all the 'expanded' information, having seen the film. I enjoyed the book. Most Wanted was decidedly Qi'ra's story and this is Han's. This is so much better than the film and would highly recommend it if you enjoyed the film. And the ending ... I can't say much, but wow it was perfect, especially if you read chronologically like me. However, there were some contradictions with Most Wanted (the novel that proceeds this story).