Star Wars

Star Wars Thrawn

Jody Houser2018
Collecting Star Wars: Thrawn #1-6. He’s one of the most cunning and ruthless warriors in the history of Star Wars! Now, discover how Grand Admiral Thrawn became one of the most feared military tacticians in a galaxy far, far away. Jody Houser and Luke Ross adapt Timothy Zahn’s New York Times best-selling novel about Thrawn’s rise through the Imperial ranks! Meet young Lieutenant Thrawn, who graduated the Imperial Academy with the highest marks possible. He’s been assigned his own personal assistant, Ensign Eli Vanto, and is ascending quickly — but that doesn’t mean everyone in the Imperial Navy wants him to succeed. And Thrawn isn’t the Empire’s only rising star — so is Arihnda Pryce. The two rivals’ paths will cross, and tensions will run high, when they discover a dark secret within the Empire.
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Photo of Dimitris Papastergiou
Dimitris Papastergiou@s4murai
3 stars
Jul 1, 2023

Set in 32BBY Maul's on a mission. Maul's in character. The artwork is amazing. What more do you want to get prepared just before you watch Episode I? "This death satisfies nothing." - Darth Maul Nice little add-on to the character's lore. Maul is going to the worst of the worst places, to find some kinda mercenary and have a deal with a bunch of criminals and whatnot, he's more talkative than usual but not much, just enough. He's not thinking anything else than just the end of the Jedi. This is what the Jedi are. A lie told to a desperate galaxy." - Darth Maul We also some some interesting scenes I'd say, that we see Maul from another perspective, and it handled pretty well, with again -I can't stress this enough-- some really good artwork. "Remember that your anger is a tool. It's not your master." - Darth Sidious

Photo of Vicky (A City Girl's Thoughts)
Vicky (A City Girl's Thoughts)@acitygirlsthoughts
5 stars
May 16, 2023

Excellent short read about Thrawn's continued success and the beginning of his rivalry with Governor Pryce. I'm not sure which book in the Thrawn Trilogy this covers but the comics are great to read if you're short on time.

Photo of Rebeca Keren Nuñez
Rebeca Keren Nuñez@rebecanunez
3 stars
Oct 25, 2021

Cómo todo el universo expandido, agrega información y personajes. Personalmente encontré en este una mezcla, aunque sobre todo me introdujo a personajes nuevos.

Photo of Sans
2 stars
Sep 11, 2021

Gives the broad strokes from the novel but is light on detail and substance. Too bad; it could have been good.

Photo of Jane Krauss
Jane Krauss@ladyjane95
4 stars
Aug 28, 2021

This was an era I have always wanted to delve into. Seeing Anakin as a Padawan was great. But, oh my goodness, so many red flags are brought up. The character development in this comic was really well done. The glimpses of Palpatine's manipulation of the upbringing of Anakin spoke volumes. Furthermore, seeing his grip over the Jedi Council is also telling. It was a fascinating premise, and I enjoyed it a lot.

Photo of Helena
3 stars
May 5, 2024
Photo of Melissa Railey
Melissa Railey@melrailey
4 stars
Jan 18, 2024
Photo of Jéssica Canais
Jéssica Canais@jarrli
4 stars
Mar 22, 2023
Photo of Sam
3 stars
Feb 13, 2022
Photo of Lucinde Naessens
Lucinde Naessens@lucinde
5 stars
Dec 14, 2021
Photo of Katie Egan
Katie Egan@katieshuffle
3 stars
Nov 27, 2021
Photo of Lorien O'Brien
Lorien O'Brien@lorienkittybooks
5 stars
Nov 19, 2021
Photo of Clair Brown
Clair Brown@clairyreads
3 stars
Oct 31, 2021
Photo of Emma Jones
Emma Jones@readingwithemm
4 stars
Sep 27, 2021
Photo of Nicole Wilmoth
Nicole Wilmoth@nicole
3 stars
Sep 7, 2021
Photo of Jéssica Canais
Jéssica Canais@jarrli
4 stars
Sep 3, 2021
Photo of Lorien O'Brien
Lorien O'Brien@lorienkittybooks
5 stars
Aug 31, 2021

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