
this was fun, I enjoyed the persian inspirations and the romance, but the plot progression is sooo nonsensical, twists so ridiculous and magic system and world building so poorly explained.

I reallyyy wanted to like this book, but it was not as good as I expected. It was still fun to read and kept me engaged, so I feel like the next one could offer more of what I'm looking for because the writing was lovely, and I think Alizeh is a good character. Although the entire book takes place over a few days, it still felt extremely slow and took me a while to get through. The plot isn't my favorite premise in the world, but I have hope that it'll pick up more as the trilogy goes on. In terms of romance, I was underwhelmed. I think I will like Cyrus much more than I did Kamran bc wdym you're obsessed with this girl, but you're willing to watch her die with little to no intervention LIKE ? Overall, fine, but not my favorite.

I like it but I think with the ending the next one will be even better! very YA but the writing is gorgeous, almost on the verge of being too purple but not quite over the edge. it reminded me a bit of laini taylor but read way faster. the plot itself took a while to set up and was pretty basic, but i like the characters and it was cute

the writing is absolutly stunning

3.75 stars

took me a while to get into and finish, there was one or two good lines, the rest was predictable and boring I’ve read better things on watt pad I feel like I just dont like this authors style of writing loved the dragon though, definitely my favourite

i enjoyed the book, but i personally just couldn’t get into it until about chapter 23. Very slow paced at lest to me.

This book was pretty slow until the ending but the ending fully convinced me to continue this series omg

I couldn't tear myself away from this

I've never been more confused in my entire life but I very much like the book. Why make him a read-head tho?

It took me a while to get into it just because the writing was so far from what I expected. Once I got into it I really liked it!
The ending was kind of insane haha so much happened in so little time I have no idea what to make of everything.
The devil thing was a bit weird ngl but the firefly was so cute it made up for it haha
It definitely felt like an introduction book so there wasn't that much plot but you were fed the world building and characters bit by bit which I liked because I struggled with the words at first haha
I'm excited for the next book now that the story is finally "happening"!

3.75 STARS:
I keep debating on if I want to round my rating up to four stars or not. This book wasn't bad. In fact, I had a lot of fun with it. It just needed something extra.
The part of this book that stood out to me was the characters. This book is heavily character-driven, so it makes sense that it would dive deeper into their mindsets and show their different layers. Alizeh was a protagonist who was easy to get behind. Kamran (when he wasn't obsessing about Alizeh) showed a lot of potential. The side characters (especially Miss Huda) all had distinct personalities that made it easy to tell them apart.
The plot, though, needed some work. There was absolutely no point to it, no overall destination they were trying to reach. If you're a plot-driven reader, you probably won't like this book. I could handle it, but I do wish we had more of a point to the story.
The romance was also fairly insta-lovey, but knowing this author's track record, that's on purpose. For me, it was very melodramatic, and I ate it up like popcorn. Still, I hope my suspicions are right about the future of the romance. I think it can still be saved.
Besides that, the pacing was very consistent, if slow, and the world felt lush. I also am glad I waited until the sequel was out because it left off on a cliffhanger. I am extremely interested to see what the deal is with Cyrus, as I think he could be a great character.
Overall, I did really enjoy this, I just had a few criticisms. I still recommend it if you're like me and A) like Tahereh Mafi's work, B) enjoy a character-driven narrative or C) are here for the drama. If that sounds good to you, check it out!

Firstly, thank you to Harper Collins UK, Harper Audio and Netgalley for this ARC.
I had already heard so many amazing things about this book, yet I still went into it slightly blind and not knowing what to expect. Tahereh Mafi has done an exceptional job at building a world that is so enthralling and Kate Reading did an amazing job at bringing it to life through the audiobook. I was able to visualise this world of fantasy as well as the characters within it. I spent every free moment listening to this and truly felt like I had been transported into the world of the story.
The plot of this had me so enraptured with so many plot twists, which had me gripped right until the very end. I loved how the characters were written, and how even though we are seeing things from their own perspectives we are learning about them to the very end. The elements of romance were weaved into this fantasy world so seamlessly and I cannot wait to see where this takes these characters.
All I can think about right now is the cliffhanger at the end of the book and I cannot wait to get my hands on These Infinite Threads to find out just what happens next.

Ummm. What???? What was that ending???
Ngl it felt kinda like a reversed TOG but I’m like, not against it.
Also that scene in her room was ✨✨✨
Okay time to go find out when the next book comes out.

Great book. Cliffhanger ending. Will definitely buy the next book out in 2023.

The last 10% was the best part and the ending was good

1,5⭐* No se si fue porque yo tenia las re expectativas pero dios no me gustó mucho este libro que digamos osea los protas me parecieron meh y no tenian mucha quimica e la historia se me hizo muy lenta pero aún así pienso que el universo tiene algo de potencial

I was so hooked I read it in one sitting!

oh i’m beyond excited for the rest of this series

so. freaking. good.

I loved the whole backstory and world building of the Jinn and Clay, love the Alizeh and her sweetness, love that it spent so much time focusing on how characters feel. Sometimes the writing felt like the fanciness was too forced, but at the same time I liked how it made the book feel. It has instalove which I'm not a fan of, but with the characters also not finding it reasonable and some spoilery reasons I'm actually not minding it this time. The first half of the book felt kinda slow and the end somewhat rushed but I still plan to reread it many times and look forward to the next in the series.

At first I didn’t really like the story. It was to slow. But after a while that changed completely! It had amazing caracters and plottwist. I was happy with the ending (although I am not sure I can wait for the seccond book to come put).

The writing was beautiful.

It is a difficult thing, is it not? To worry always how you will be perceived for who you are; to wonder always whether you will be accepted if you are truly yourself?

To behold a rose and perceive only its thorns, never the bloom.

A human body could not withstand so much, and they take advantage of you because they can.

…perhaps only in death might she find the freedom she so desperately sought, for she had long ago given up hope of finding solace in this world.

What worlds he might be inspired to give up, he wondered, in the pursuit of knowing more of her mind.

"Does it not frighten you, sire? Are you not terrified to imagine what you might do for her - what you might do to yourself-if she became suddenly real? If she were to become flesh and blood under your hands? Does this not strike you as a terrible weakness?"

Slowly, Alizeh looked up to face the stranger. “Did you really feel it necessary to add that last part?”
“Which part?”
“And I will not care,” she said, echoing his emotionless tone. “Do you enjoy being needlessly petty?”
“Yes,” he said. “I do.”
💀😂 I love him

“You have consumed my thoughts since the moment I met you,” he said to her. “I feel now, in your presence, entirely strange. I think I might fetch you the moon if only to spare your tears again.”
The fact he doesn't even know her yet makes this so much better omg

Kamran heard the distinct rustling of fabric, and he closed his eyes. He was a gentleman of honor. He would not imagine her undressing.
He would not.

“Speak,” she said. “Tell me what you seek here. Answer honestly, and I give you my word I will leave you unharmed.”
Was it terrible that his heart pounded in his chest at the soft sound of her voice? Was it worrisome that he felt nothing but pleasure to be held at her mercy?

“Step away from the girl.”
The prince’s voice was low and murderous, his eyes flashing a shade of black so fathomless it terrified even Alizeh to look at him.

"I gave you a direct command, bade you find a wife—”
A moment of madness prompted Kamran to say, “This girl has royal blood, does she not?”
oh he is bold💀😂 or as he would say audacious haha

Her tears fell now with abandon.
Alizeh knew she could survive long hours of hard labor, knew she could persevere through any physical hardship. It was not the burden of her work or the pain in her hands that broke her— it was the loneliness. It was the friendlessness of her existence; the days on end she spent without the comfort that might be derived from a single sympathetic heart.
It was grief.

“By the angels,” he whispered. “You really are afraid of the dark. You strange girl.”

You might do us all a favor, Hazan, and begin to manage your expectations of my state. This is where I live, minister. Here, between angry and irritable, lies my charming personality. It does not change. You may be grateful that I am consistent, at least, in being boorish.
Grumpy grump

"I haven't the slightest idea what we're doing," he said softly. "Though if you mean to take me captive, you need only ask. I would come willingly."
my god.

"I find it difficult to believe you imagined me at all” "Why?" Alizeh hesitated, blinking up at him. "I beg your pardon What reason would you have to wonder about my temperament?” "You need only one? I have many."
im ded

"With all due respect, I would point out only that yu welcomed my arrival with a promise to slit my throat and have since been moved to tears at least twice in my presence. I would hardly call that sort of behavior constant.”

"I will not repeat myself again. Step away from the girl or I will have you arrested.'

The girl was prepared. She was armed. The puncture wounds inflicted indicate she had access to highly unusual weapons, which one can only assume were supplied to her by a third party with access to a complex arsenal.
Sir. They were sewing needles. And scissors. For sewing.