For His Eyes Only

For His Eyes Only is formerly Due South. This book deserves all the love and praise, so I have redone my review to match this lovely re-skin of my fave series! Introduction: I am OBSESSED with Tamsen Parker's books, so when I got the opportunity to read this book I jumped at the chance! This series has been uber sexy, uber awesome and has always been a pleasant surprise when I pick the book up and can't put it down. Review: The Cover - The cover is probably my favourite out of the whole series. For His Eyes Only has really upped the game. The contrasting colours of the red hair and green-ish blue background make it really stand out. I also love the seductive look that is front and center on this cover. I like the continuation of the sexy looks - in my personal opinion, I like them better than just the single person covers, but that's just me! It gives the book a little extra boost in the sexiness department. The Content - I'm writing this book as I read it, which is rare for me. I normally like to finish a book and go back through it, but this review shall be the play by play! It's the holidays, let's switch things up in my reviews! Currently, I've hit Chapter 2 within this review - I love that India and Cris have been mentioned, and then they both get some action scenes. I miss those crazy kids, and having them pop by makes my fan girl heart feel all warm and fuzzy. I also really enjoy that this book starts off with referencing Christmas (and it's being released around Christmas). The vibe I'm getting so far is festive and fan-friendly! Also, within Chapter 2 you already get that R rated swearing involved, which gives me a good chuckle. So readers, beware - if you do not like the swears, this book has a few of them (at least so far). But let's be honest, if I lost a file of some form of importance, I would also be swearing but probably a lot more than Lucy does. Within Chapter 2, I also love the reference to how some fans felt within the reviews (view spoiler)[ Lucy references that India is mean and why could Cris like her (since he is nice and easygoing). It gave me a real laugh reading that, since some reviewers did comment on that exact issue. But true love and soul mates conquer all people! ;) (hide spoiler)]. Chapter 2 Side note: Evans's is the correct spelling/grammar, but it looks so wrong to me. Around Chapter 2 the sexy times start, but it's not until Chapter 3 that we get some longer scenes. There are some consent-based comments, that in my opinion is a great addition to any novel, but it's presented in a very cute/funny way. I really enjoyed this small addition to the scene, because it broke some of the tension but added to the comedy that these books present. It felt right in the situation as well, and with these characters. It might not have seem as great in a Cris/India scene because they are so tension heavy, but Lucy/Evans have the perfect combination for some cute, side scenes within their chapters. Even some of Lucy's thoughts during these sexy scenes are funny - describing Evans's so we get a better understanding of his characters. (view spoiler)[Also, Chanoch Evans...I'm not even sure how to pronounce that correctly. And after searching google...Yup. I get why she calls him Evans. (hide spoiler)] Side note: While reading this book, if you do readers...think about this...Are there cameras in copy rooms?... Or in the office?... #Awkward As you continue on throughout the chapters, you'll find that Lucy and Evans have a very different relationship than the past characters. Lucy and Evans, while they have intense and hot scenes, are also quite comedic and adorkable. They'll be getting hot and heavy, and suddenly they throw comedic gems out into the open that doesn't break the situations, it adds to it. I really enjoyed every little comment, and I want to quote every single one, but that would ruin any suspense for the future readers. So I'll leave it at this - this is one of my favourite books in this series so far (although Cris and India are probably still my favourite couple...but not by much. Maybe just a centimeter.) This book is definitely worth the read. Typically, this far into a series the books start to fade off and go into obscurity, but this book really stepped it up. I wasn't expecting to laugh as much as I did in this book and I love the characters almost as much as the main starter couples. I really loved this book, and if I could give it six out of five stars, I would! The story line is easy to follow, and seems realistic (within the realm of sexy reads, of course). I wasn't left with many questions, and I found the plot moved smoothly and at a fast enough pace to enjoy it. I even managed to read this book right through beginning to end (minus a few pit stops in adding parts into this review). It's a good book to read in one sitting, and it'll make you crave even more! Overall: Tamsen does step up some of her writing in this book - some voyeurism occurs, which is a slight change from her past novels. There also seems to be a pinch or roleplay, depending on how you read into the situation. And a splash of beach sex (get it...splash? Oh, I love puns). There's also a few other surprises around the corner, because Tamsen doesn't like to disappoint! This book has an adorkable x-factor that will leave you craving more sexy, seductive heroines and leading men from Tamsen Parker! I definitely want more from Tamsen. As she continues to write her books, she develops her style and goes bigger and better. I haven't yet been disappointed in a book, so I'm thrilled for her next release! Five out of five stars. PS. In the acknowledgments I also got a little giggle - thanking readers for the "trip" when it's the "compass" series...Yeah. I love puns!
This book appears on the shelf 2017 reads