The Book of Two Ways
Thought provoking

The Book of Two Ways A Novel

Jodi Picoult2020
"After my son Kyle Ferriera van Leer declared his major in Egyptology at Yale in 2010, he mentioned the Book of Two Ways in passing. Without knowing a thing about it, I said, "That's a great title for a novel." It was only after he began to explain what it actually was that I realized what I needed to write about - the construct of time, and love, and life, and death"--
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Photo of Ian Brakspear
Ian Brakspear@ibrakspear
4 stars
Aug 24, 2024

This is my first Jodi Picoult book and after seeing a couple of friends enjoy this one, I decided that I wanted to give this one a go and plot sounded like a great read for the summer months, and this is a book that really makes you think; it makes you stop and consider everything that multitude of possible paths set before us, the regret that can linger in the shadows of our choices, and the reality that each one of us will one day reach the end of our road.


This book centres around Dawn; she is walking a fine tightrope of balancing her life and career as a death doula, raising a daughter who has a body image issues as well as maintaining her relationship with her husband of some 15 years Brain and living a complacent life. However, hidden away is Dawn’s dream of pursuing a career in Egyptology. That she spent semesters of her collegiate life immersed in the tombs, recovering mummified remains, and deciphering hieroglyphics. In that period of her life, Wyatt dominated her heart.


This story flips between time and place, from both past to present until the 2 come to a collision and decisions must be made as to what Dawn wants from her life. Picoult writes about the simple complexities of just being a human and about the choices that we all make, the people that matter in our life. This is richly descriptive and heavily detailed, multilayered storytelling, thoughtful, insightful and well written on life's deepest questions but will not be for everyone. An emotionally satisfying and touching novel that I recommend highly to others.

Photo of Lacy W
Lacy W@aravenclawlibrary
2 stars
Feb 22, 2023

Title: The Book of Two Ways Author: Jodi Picoult Genre: Adult Fiction Format: hardback library book Series: N/A Star Rating: 2 stars tw: death, airplane crash, cancer, infidelity, animal sickness and death, addiction, premature birth This book was such a disappointment; a rare miss for Jodi Picoult. Normally, I really enjoy Picoult’s books, even the ones that are a little bit out there. This book had so much potential. It has Egyptian gods. I’ve been excited about Egyptian gods ever since I’ve seen Moon Knight. It had the main character as a death doula, which isn’t a conventional job. It had all the makings of a fantastic book. But man, this book sucked. The concept of the book itself needed to be clarified. I had no idea what was truly going on. There were also mentions of the multiverse, which is kind of odd to put into a book about someone who used to be an archeologist. So basically the multiverse theory is about timelines. So I’m bad at math in this universe so in another universe, there is a Lacy that is amazing at math. I have no idea why that needed to be a concept in this book. It would have been fine without focusing solely on Egyptian gods. Anyway. The main character, Dawn, was so unlikeable. She really was just so insufferable and had a massive victim complex. Everything bad that was happening to her, she created with her horrible choices. She treated her husband so poorly when all he did was love her. She treated her boyfriend in Egypt like garbage, when all he wanted was the best for her. She couldn’t even talk to her daughter all that well and made insensitive comments to her. Dawn just couldn’t get it together. Not to mention, the book was basically a history book on Egypt’s lesser-known pharaohs or a lecture on physics and the multiverse. If I wanted that, I would have picked up textbooks. And the ending. Oh my gosh, that ending was trash. I spent three days reading this book about Dawn agonizing over her choices, just to have it end on a cliffhanger. The whole last 100 pages were so unrealistic. I was just so done. I don’t care for main characters with victim complexes. And Dawn had a huge one. Overall, this book was just so awful. It did nothing but make me mad, bored, or confused. I had to deal with the main character who made poor choices and then took it out on everyone around her. She made everyone miserable. Do yourselves a favor and skip this book.

Photo of Lily Elizabeth Labella
Lily Elizabeth Labella@lel_737
5 stars
Feb 9, 2023

Very informative and captivating prose. I always learn a lot about something randomly intriguing from Jodi Picoult! Was dissatisfied by the ending, although the book was long enough and I can understand why it wasn't made longer by coming to a neater conclusion. Thought using Egyptian mythology to parallel and add emotional depth to modern experiences of dying and preparing for death was very well done, especially considering Picoult usually makes Judeo-Christian references to her stories involving loss.

Photo of Dre T
Dre T@cocibear
2 stars
Feb 6, 2023

Half of this book was a textbook on Egyptology. Let’s leave it at that.

Photo of Victoria Justice
Victoria Justice@litatori
4 stars
Feb 1, 2023

I may alter my rating as I process this book more, but for now, we will say 4 stars.

The Book of Two Ways starts with Dawn going through a plane crash. As she finds herself bracing for an emergency land, her mind drifts towards regrets of leaving Egypt and her Egyptology degree and Wyatt, the one she left behind, instead of her husband and their daughter. As a survivor, she is offered a free flight to wherever she needs to go. Will she go home to Boston? Or should she try and reclaim the life and love she left behind in Egypt.

This book is very information heavy. On both sides, you have different theories of a multiverse and how fate and free will can alter the course of your life, following Egyptology and astro physics. To be honest, if I was reading this instead of listening to the audiobook, I think I would have found it a lot harder to get into because of how much information and depth you get with these theories, but they are both essential to the plot (maybe not in as much depth, but the depth needs to be appreciated).

Dawn's character is a very relatable one for me, and probably for anyone with loose ends or regrets from their past. She's more of a guide to looking inside yourself for your own answers to the questions she's posing for herself.

The plot is intriguing and reaches the right conclusions for Dawn's character.

Overall, I enjoyed this book but would definitely recommend the audiobook over a physical read.

Photo of alicia
2 stars
Dec 12, 2022

It pains me to admit just how shockingly mediocre this book was. I really wanted it to be good. The adventure of confronting the-one-who-got-away, matched in a bountiful setting like Egypt, intertwining Egyptian mythologies - all the ingredients set up to be a joyous hit. But the story fell flat. The journey, character growth, dialog, the ending all fell flat. The ending, without giving the audience an answer on the protagonists winding mental marathon felt not just infuriating, but lazy from the author. Quite a disappointing read from such a coveted author like Jodi Picoult.

Photo of Elise Harris
Elise Harris@elise95
4 stars
Jun 15, 2022

Such an amazing concept for a book, but not Jodi's best book to me. Still loved the insight and emotions of the book as always!

Photo of Beth Bartholomew
Beth Bartholomew@BooksNest
4.5 stars
Jun 10, 2022

A fantastic book of discovery and finding yourself with a very clever narrative structure to truly capture the reader. I was hooked to this from page one, loved the direction the story took and also really enjoyed that it talked about Egyptology too which was really interesting. This book talks a lot about death, so it certainly isn't a light read, but it really makes you want to take control of your life and seize the day!

Photo of Savannah Wells
Savannah Wells@aintnowife
5 stars
Jun 5, 2022

Beautiful. Broke me and stitched me back together all in one. I loved this story so much! The amount of research that went into this book, as Jodi usually does, is outstanding.

Photo of Jordan Heustis
Jordan Heustis@mylifeasjordanreads
5 stars
Nov 27, 2021

I loved this book. I’m seeing reviews about this book feeling like a textbook but I loved it. I loved the story. I loved the conflicts with Brian and Wyatt (I was really rooting for both of them). I love Merret and Dawn and Win. And I loved how much I learned through the book. It all just added to the realism for me.

Photo of Emily S
Emily S@bibliochemist
3 stars
Nov 18, 2021

-3.5 stars- Brief synopsis: A woman survives a plane crash but finds herself thinking about a long lost love and life she left behind many years ago. Can she get a second chance at a different life? Will she want that? I will forever and always love Jodi Picoult and everything she writes (I think I’ve now read...28 of her books?). Out of all of them, though, this one didn’t hit me quite as hard. A lot of her books take a controversial/complex topic and then try to explore it from many different angles and humanize it in a way that helps you to see different perspectives. This one did that from the topic of death (and, also, life), but I just felt like it was trying to do a lot and it lost a bit of its flow at times for me. I did like the twists that were in here, and there were many lines that were especially poignant and made me think. Overall, not my favorite of hers, but certainly not bad either.

Photo of Kylie Conklin
Kylie Conklin@kyliemarie
3 stars
Nov 10, 2021

Decent storyline, but it was at times confusing for me to follow.

Photo of Krystal Pollock
Krystal Pollock@nerdy_book_lover_1987
2 stars
Oct 3, 2021

Wow! This book was so text book heavy that I couldnt even enjoy it! I either had to keep stopping to look up everything or I just powered through it confused! If you like Egypt and hieroglyphics and such and like a hard book to follow with lots of facts then you will probably enjoy this. Now as a long time Jodi Picoult fan im quite disappointed but im hopeful her next book will be better. Kudos to her on all her research for this book but she definitely could have layed off of it a bit!

Photo of Delaney Sowders
Delaney Sowders@delaneyelise01
5 stars
Aug 26, 2024
Photo of Kweh Quiambao
Kweh Quiambao@gwenduling
5 stars
Jan 5, 2024
Photo of Michele Papa
Michele Papa@mleanne14
4 stars
Jun 19, 2023
Photo of Hana Bohuslavová
Hana Bohuslavová@hana97
4.5 stars
Apr 12, 2023
Photo of Riley Walters
Riley Walters@rileywalters
4 stars
Oct 12, 2022
Photo of lylouane
5 stars
Sep 7, 2022
Photo of Makenna Gervais
Makenna Gervais@makennagervais
4 stars
Aug 16, 2022
Photo of Sara Raffalski
Sara Raffalski@saralski
4 stars
Jun 2, 2022
Photo of Susan Dobson
Susan Dobson@susandob
4 stars
Mar 12, 2022
Photo of Alex Galloway
Alex Galloway @alexgalloway26
5 stars
Dec 7, 2021
Photo of Rochelle Butcher
Rochelle Butcher@rochelles_reading_journal
4 stars
Jul 5, 2024


Photo of Riley Walters
Riley Walters@rileywalters

I shall kiss (her) in the presence of everyone,

That they might understand my love.

She is the one who has stolen my heart-

When she looks at me it is refreshment.

Page 186
Photo of Sara Raffalski
Sara Raffalski@saralski

There is something bleak and barren about a world that is missing the person who knows you best.

Photo of Sara Raffalski
Sara Raffalski@saralski

Creation, by definition, is separation. Moving forward means being split apart.

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