The Clothing of Books
How do you clothe a book? In this deeply personal reflection, Pulitzer Prize-winning author Jhumpa Lahiri explores the art of the book jacket from the perspectives of both reader and writer. Probing the complex relationships between text and image, author and designer, and art and commerce, Lahiri delves into the role of the uniform; explains what book jackets and design have come to mean to her; and how, sometimes, "the covers become a part of me."
Jevin Sidhu@jevin
Melissa Palmer@melissapalmer404
Shreerag Plakazhi@shreerag
Neeti Choudhari@readabookhoe
Udit Desai@uydesai
Shohini Gupta@shohini
Emma Bose@emmashanti
Jerilynn Hallett @jerilynnhallett
Charlotte Dann@chareads
Caterina P.@ourbookishnotes
Avani Pandya@avanireads
Frida Kahlo@fridathequeen
Riah Forbes @riah
Freeda Lobo@freedalobo
Athena Eloy@athenaeloy
Madhuri Gubbala@madzzie
Elizabeth Hisserich@lizhiss