The Enchantress of Florence A Novel
Presents the story of a woman attempting to command her own destiny in a man's world. This book brings together two cities that barely know each other - the hedonistic Mughal capital, in which the emperor wrestles daily with questions of belief, desire and the treachery of sons, and the equally sensual Florentine world of powerful courtesans.
Simon Harding@simmyh
Prashanth Srivatsa@prashanthsrivatsa
James Haliburton@jdhberlin
Trevor Berrett@mookse
Brishti Basu@brish_ti
Tarannum Kamlani@tarannumsaurus
Betul M.@betulmozcan
Cat Josephson@themorrigan12
Yuvraj Jha@yuvraj
Daniel Lauzon@daneroo
Ture Strange Nilsson@ture
Riah Forbes @riah
Gwen Chodur@gwenchodur
Neha Kirpalani@nehakirpalani
Casper Oppenhuis de Jong@casperodj
Bhavya Sharma@bhavya
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Bhavya Sharma@bhavya
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