
The book was a page turner for me till the very end. I found some parts to be pretty unrealistic, and I know close to nothing about how true crime cases work so I knew it had to be pretty far off. The ending was immensely disappointing and icky. If really didn’t make sense due to the way this book was written.

Hmm. The ending was quite what I predicted at the very beginning, like it was my first thought fr. I don't know I mean I really wanted the author to wow me though, I was expecting it to take a turn but it didn't so yeah well.
It's a quick read, things happen quite as soon as you start reading the book, the writing is a little sloppy I mean it's not a genius writing but I gotta give the author credits for how systematically the plot plays out.
Very generic plot, the only highlight is the fact that a lot is always going onso it keeps you interested. I also hate it when nothing in the plot actually adds up to the ending, they are all just stuff trying to distract you from finding out the murderer because it's that obvious.
Nothing that leaves a lasting impact, neither the plot nor a trace of clever writing, so it's one of those "get me out of a reading slumps" kinda novel. What was fun to watch was Adam going crazy for no reason.

This book was so amazing, though the ending was a bit predictable it was also very unexpected. I loved it so much.

Unhinged per usual. I guessed a lot of what was going to happen but some of the twists were complete surprises.

It felt underdeveloped, the plot jumped around; the characters were not really that developed, the plot just didn’t make much sense and was very far fetched. Maybe just not my cup of tea.

I finish it in a day couldn’t put it down was invested in figuring it out.


I’m not going to lie, this was the hardest book I have ever read. It took me until I was 70% through to even get fully interested. However, the plot twist at the end was very unexpected. It was a decent book, it just took a while to get through.

Easy read. I thought that the details of the case was a little repetitive but overall I enjoyed the book.


Omg wtf!

I’m not even sure what I just read… that ending… no

Adam's mistress is found murdered, and his wife Sarah is his defense attorney.
The first half of the book had me hooked, but then I felt like it wasn't progressing fast enough in the second half. Reading from Adam's perspective also got annoying, which is unfortunate since each chapter alternates between his and Sarah's perspectives. And ultimately, the ending wasn't very shocking which is a huge con for a psychological thriller.

THIS BOOK >>> this book is amazing, it starts off very light and simple stuff. Nothing too crazy and the plot twist as you get closer to the end is absolutely insane. Jaw dropping plot twists, I am so shocked and amazed at the same time!!!! Highly recommend this book if you love crime and lawyer things :) Sarah Morgan is the best and thriving rn

Saw that coming..

i loved the writing style of this book. its dual pov, fast paced, and there’s something in every page and chapter to keep you guessing! and i’m definitely gonna need a while to process the ending bc i’m 🤯

Is slow burn thrillers a thing? If so, that's what this is. It took forever to get to the point. The characters are unlikeable. Adam was so stupid it was becoming exhausting.
I will say the plot twist at the end was interesting. I definitely didn't see that coming.

** spoiler alert ** while i really liked the book, i absolutely hated the characters. literally ALL of them but anne. every time they did something significant i was just so disappointed and annoyed because … why? i genuinely couldn’t stand them. let’s start off with sarah. i do love an unreliable narrator so .. i ate this up. she really made me believe things would turn out differently! i didn’t see the ending coming at all. her and BOB? genuinely blew me away. she was 100% a great lawyer and was so smart with everything she did but i didn’t like her. she was such a bitch and i wasn’t expecting it. i thought she was going to be a sweet and gentle woman with how it was at the beginning but i could not have been more wrong. she was a CUNT y’all! it was like everything people said pissed her off. she was constantly telling others to fuck off and she flipped an old couple off for what? 😭 really didn’t like her character. i also think that her getting adam executed was too much. yeah he cheated but did he deserve to die? *eye roll!!!* too much work on a man. speaking of adam … seriously? he could not have possibly been more stupid. he was so unbelievably idiotic and it was getting tiring. his actions never made sense - he was obviously making things worse for himself. running away? fighting the cops? showing up to rebecca’s house? keeping important facts from his attorney? insane. his wife is literally a lawyer. he HAD to have known that he was being an imbecile. even with all that being said, i still felt bad for him. he really thought that sarah was doing her best to help him and the entire time she was trying to get him jailed + killed 😭 i don’t think he deserved to be executed for a crime he didn’t commit. even though i didn’t like the characters, i really loved the storyline! i finished this in one day - it really kept my attention the whole way through. i wanted to know how it was gonna end and couldn’t put it down :)

woman rage.

The plot is so ridiculous. It doesn't make sense!!


Wasn’t expecting that plot twist. Great thriller!

i saw it coming. there was a nagging voice in my head that kept telling me who the killer was. so when i read the last chapter, i wasn’t rlly that surprised. but what a book. finished it in a day i could not bring myself to close it

“You’re doing the right thing because you’re a good person. Just because your husband was wrong, doesn’t mean you have to be.”

“There's no point in arguing with her. Parents are typically delusional when it comes to their children. Even Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer had loving parents who were unaware of the evil that dwelled within their offspring.”

Maybe it was the loneliness that made her much more appealing or perhaps it was that she seemed nothing like Sarah.

I didn't just want to be in her presence, I needed it.
Would be a lot cuter if Adam wasn’t talking about his mistress PLZ

I need her to be mad at me. I need her to cry. I need her to tell me she loves me. I need her to hold me. I need her to tell me everything is going to be okay.
Adam is truly such a pathetic man. He “needs” the woman he cheated on to console HIM?? Seriously.

… I’m the one breaking her. I’m supposed to be the one protecting her.

Deep down, I thought he was a bit of a pussy.
I actually laughed out loud bc Adam does seem like such a bitch boy it’s insane that even his wife thought this.

“I didn't fall out of love with you, I fell out of love with life.”

Two women trying to make it in a man’s world. We work twice as hard as our male counterparts to make it just an inch ahead of them.

I’ve always believed the eyes cannot lie. They hold the truths we are unable or unwilling to speak.

Even when you have nothing left in your life, hope is the one thing that can never be taken away.