The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner
A nightmarish tale of religious fanaticism and darkness, this chilling classic of the macabre tells the tale of Robert Wringhim, drawn in his moral confusion into committing the most monstrous acts by an evil doppelgänger. James Hogg's masterpiece is as troublingly duplicitous as Wringhim himself, and was ignored and bowdlerized before becoming a hugely influential work of Scottish literature.

Clare B@hadaly
This book made me question whether it is a good idea to read the favorite books of your favorite authors. André Gide apparently loved this book. I slogged through it and probably shouldn't have forced myself to read to the end.

mik @mikaylamxe

Big pam@pamm_022

Penny marie@erinmariepenny

Puella Desideria Adiartanto@puelladesideria

Hanako T@hananotes


Aaron McCollough@rondollah

Charles McNeilll@charlesmcneill

Susanna Robinson@suziereadsalot


Heather French@hfrench

Rubi Malik @rubi

Ezra Alie@ezraa

Joshua Line@fictionjunky

Celia Adams@celiarose3881