The Story of My Life
The Story of My Life is an autobiography by Helen Keller. It is the story of Helen Keller and her life as a deaf and blind girl, and her triumph over these tribulations. Iin the book, she reveals her frustration and rage over her condition. It details her educational achievements and her introduction to the world through her breakthrough into communication. The story was written by Helen Keller when she was just 22 years old. The Story of My Life is a tale of the courage and unbreakable will of Helen Keller. The book has been adapted into a television series, a Broadway play, a Hollywood feature film, and an Indian feature film.

Isa s@purzel
In this book Helen Keller tells her experiences growing up as a child who was both blind and death. This made is very hard for her to communicate with her environment and for her environment with her. How do you teach a person who can’t see or hear anything a language? How do you teach her to read or write? How this can be done is told in Helen Keller’s story. She doesn’t only learn to communicate, read and write but also learns very hard and even manages to attend college. This is a very moving story that I can wholeheartedly recommend to everybody. I listened to the Librivox audiobook and found it an average piece in their repertoire. The narrator wasn’t exceptional, but she wasn’t too bad either.

Julianne Storms@juulx1
