The Sweetest Oblivion Made, #1

i need my nico russo </3

rlly good but it was missing something idk

took me a while to finish, but i'm always catching myself reminiscing scenes of the book. a sweet addiction.


** spoiler alert ** Let me just say I went into this headfirst not reading any reviews. I actually choked when Elena started recalling about how this man she slept with was murdered by her uncle.

4.3 ⭐️ — this book is funny when it comes to Nico's pov, I may need longer chapters from his perspective. definitely love him to be a big simp for Elena, a matchmaker (bc I have already read the second book), he is uniquely dramatic and #1 Elena's defender.

4/5 Iconic. “I hated when someone told me to smile, as if a smile of mine belonged to them and not to me.” “He was comfort, security, and need, all in one. It had a name. Home”

I wasn't hooked until the latter part. The only thing that kept me interested was the relationship of the main characters, but I wasn't a huge fan of their relationship. I read more books with much more chemistry. It was kinda enjoyable, but not really incredible. I would have rated this lower if I didn't enjoy the latter part, but if you are in it for the spice, then I would recommend this. However, the ending wasn't as strong as I hoped it would. It isn't a bad book, just not a big fan of this, but it is a nice read if you like mafia books or you want something spicy.

A good quick read. Good spice. The more I think about these books- the more they grow on me.

And thats what you get when you lack basic communication skills boys, girls, and nbs - 200+ pages of foreplay. It was still fun tho, not something really spectacular but fun.

Não sei onde estava com a cabeça mas me diverti super com isso aqui kkkkkkkkkkkkkk

** spoiler alert ** Absolutely LOVED this book. Nico raised my standards even more and learned a lot of new perspectives when it comes to love. It was very well written and I really enjoyed how Nico and Elena genuinely go to know each other and see a different side of one another. Sure they did spicy things consistently but they were truly infatuated with each other's presence. Love slowly bloomed for them and even a cold hearted man like Nico can love a beautiful woman like sweet Elena who made him feel so much warmth <3

it was really good, i loved it so much 😭

they are both walking red flags

entertaining but that's all. i liked nico but that joke nico said to adriana Isn't It and that took away 1 star.


Cada cual con su guilty pleasure favorito.

1/5. their relationship’s about as good as a rat’s ass. this is worse than wattpad and ao3 combined. I sincerely dislike both of them.

when women are written like this…. i can’t

disclaimer; la aurora es racista y no apoyo sus obras it was supposed to give... but it did not give what needed to be gave...

pls i love my sweet abelli sm and ace agh i’ve read this twice and i will never get tired of nicoelena <33333 - "The cashier groped her," he said indifferently. "So I burned down his place of business . .. and maybe him.” - "I said I'll never hurt you, Elena, but if I find out you've touched another man, there is nothing in this world that could save him.” - "You got a coffeemaker?" "Can't have you turning into anything nonhuman." - "Nico, I'm so sore” His hands gentled on me. "Fuck, baby, I'm sorry." He leaned forward and captured my top lip between his, kissing me with a sweet pull. We both realized what had happened the second his mouth left mine.” - “He was becoming a drug, an addiction I would have to feed every day. From the recent hit, euphoria filled my veins and relaxed my limbs. He was an infatuation, a craving, a need, and I was sure it was unrequited. But as my fingers ran down his tie and rested on his chest; Bu-bum. Bu-bum. Bu-bum. His heartbeats raced for me.” - "You make me fucking crazy.” "Don't blame me for your psychosis.” "You are my psychosis.” - “I wanted her. Her genuine smiles. Her loyalty. Every fucking piece of her. I'd been testing the waters earlier, but as tense as she got I realized she was nowhere near where I was. Not by a long shot. I gave my head a small shake. The worst had happened. I loved the fucking woman. And now my biggest weakness walked outside my body, with soft brown eyes and long black hair.” - “(..)because I suddenly knew I would lie, cheat, and steal for this man. I would burn the world for him. He was King of the Cosa Nostra. And he was all mine.” - “Nico...." I swallowed. "I really am sorry about the money-“ "Don't be. I'm impressed, he said. amusement coating his voice. "There might be a little Russo in you yet" - “Amongst cracked pavement, the fading sound of sirens, and the taste of urban air, the yellow lights of carousel blinked bright beneath the overcast sky. It sat static, alone and beautiful.”

4.2 WTF. THIS WAS NOT WHAT I EXPECTED (in a good way) im absolutely OBSESSEDDDDD with nico fucking russo and my only complain is that there were so many characters i genuinely couldn’t keep track, therefore i was confused a lot lol. ANWAYS ELENA & NICO STAN FOR LIFE🙌

I’m just gonna start with OH MY GOD. Like oh my god. what was this? Because I just fell in love? This book was perfect. It was my first read of Danielle Lori and I fell in love with it. Looks like I just explored another trope which just became my favourite: marriage of convenience 😭🫶🏻 the slow burn was so so so good, the moment I finished this book, it took a second for me to jump to Pinterest to find the edits of this😭 Nico Russo, favourite favourite favourite. So many scenes were so cute and just straight up adorable. It made me so happy like it was just damn. After such a long time I have a book 5 stars, and especially a mafia romance and this book deserved it.

I pissed about how awful this book was. More than anything I wish I could give this zero stars. Hated it at 100 pages in. I don’t know why I wasted my time finishing it. How can a book be so long and literally nothing happens the whole time?? There was like no plot? At all? Elena has no personality and no autonomy??? She’s annoying and everything that happens in this book isn’t because of her it’s just stuff happening to her and other people making decisions for her and she just lets them. She is the most boring character ever and there is nothing interesting about her. I love a “touch her and you die” character but Nico is the worst and I hated everything about him. He’s boring and abusive and just a terrible person and he had no redeeming qualities. Like not even a morally grey character he’s just terrible. So disgustingly misogynistic - the women are objects that the men just get to play with and control. The men expect the women to be virgins while the men just get to fuck whoever whenever?? Bad bad bad bad bad. I don’t care what song is playing in the background of every other screen. I don’t. Like please stop. I couldn’t keep up with the hundreds of cousins and family members. They all just blended together and there was no individuality that separated their characters. Writing was bad and juvenile and bad. There is nothing about this book that I liked and it was probably the worst book I ever read in my whole life. I’m annoyed at how bad this was.

"give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world"

"Behind every great fortune there is a crime"

He nipped my bottom lip. “You make me fucking crazy.”
“Don’t blame me for your psychosis.”
“You are my psychosis.”

“Whiskey and flame. Sleepless nights. Tattooed skin, white t shirts, and rough hands. Love and lust and happiness. He was everything.”

He was comfort, security, and need, all in one.
It had a name.

What he didn't know was that soon I would ruin everything to the point he'd never trust me again.
Ugh I hate these foreshadowing sentences so much. Now I'm having even more anxiety than usually.

I almost didn't hear him over how shirtless he was.
speak on it haha

"I said I'll never hurt you, Elena, but if I find out you've touched another man, there is nothing in this world that could save him."

"You're getting married."

When a familiar face appeared on the screen, my puls stilled. And when the words "Oscar Perez" followed by "found shot execution style in front of his apartment," passed the reporter's ruby red lips, I chocked on my cereal.
Not ten seconds had gone by, before "SON OF A BITCH!" came from my papà's office.
Lmao he didn't☠️😂 finally there's some real action haha

Elena Abelli was my vice, and fuck if I'd let it kill me.

Sometimes the cheapest things are the most valuable.

“Do you honestly think for a second I would let someone kill you?”

“Maybe I want to.”

“You got a coffeemaker?”