Stories Fly

Stories Fly A Collection of African Fiction Written in Europe and the USA

Brenda Cooper2003
This book contains an extraordinary collection of short stories and novel extracts written by Africans living outside Africa. It is a collection that also examines the little unknown area of an African experience of living abroad, with themes of identity, belonging and culture as well. Where is home? How does our identity change when we move to a new country, or when national borders are eroded by globalization? These are some of the themes explored in this collection of new fiction from African writers living outside the continent. The writers of the stories and novel extracts come from countries as diverse as Egypt, Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, Ghana, Tanzania and the Sudan. They include both established writers, such as Buchi Emecheta, Ama Ata Aidoo and Abdulrazak Gurnah, and many exciting new voices. By turns humorous, fantastic, satirical and moving, the fiction reveals new worlds to us. This book travels the globe with African writers.
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