Childhood, Boyhood, Youth

Childhood, Boyhood, Youth was the first of Tolstoy's works, and whereas it wasn't my favourite book I've read, it was still beautiful and memorable all the same. The first thing that I have taken from this book is the depth and beauty of how Tolstoy described the simplest things, especially those of nature. A particular favourite of mine was "With a bright, merry light, sunshine illuminates the eastern part of the sky, along with the thatched roofs, lustrous with dew, of the spacious open sheds that surrounded the yard." I do not know why this particular description stuck with me, but I know I found it beautiful and marked it straight away. Now I am aware these book key points are about a young man growing up, but I only really connected with the movement of childhood. I found this movement to be so innocent and beautiful. It really connected with me; toward the end of the movement, there was grief that then became growth into Boyhood However, it was still beautifully written and wonderful to read about. "Strange how as a child, I tried to be like a grown-up, but that ever since I stopped being a child, I've often wanted to be child-like." Boyhood and Youth I found to be the two movements that I connected with less. I found that there was a lot about privilege and class within society throughout these movements, which, although interesting, came across very heavily throughout the last two movements in depth. I found this hard to read as our protagonist became incredibly self-centred and arrogant towards those he saw beneath him. Our protagonist almost became hateable throughout these movements, and I found myself feeling bitter towards him. Tolstoy was able to awaken these feelings within me through just words alone was enough for me to consider the piece to be exceptional; however, I always connect most with the story rather than the writing, and this story I couldn't connect too. I rated it 3 stars for that fact alone. The writing is phenomenal, Tolstoy's descriptives and use of language are great, but the story just wasn't something I would rush back to read again. Of course, I am excited to discover more of Tolstoy this year and see how his other works grew throughout his years as a writer, and maybe I may find a new favourite amongst his works.