That's the Way I Think

That's the Way I Think Dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADHD and dyscalculia explained

David Grant2017
About 1 in 20 individuals are dyslexic. This figure also applies for dyspraxia and ADHD. This fully revised edition of David Grant’s thought-provoking, insightful book develops our understanding of these specific learning differences and considers the further challenges presented by these overlapping conditions. This new edition includes a brand-new chapter on dyscalculia. New sections also explore updates in the study of dyslexia, dyspraxia and ADHD as well as visualisation and synaesthesia, in the light of new data and research. These updates enable the reader to gain a fuller understanding of the sensory experiences and thoughts of individuals with specific learning differences. The author takes a life-style approach to explain many of the everyday experiences and choices of individuals with specific learning differences, including sleep, sports, visualisation and creativity, and uses real life examples explained in the words of those with specific learning differences. The accessible style of this book will immediately strike a chord with anyone with first or second-hand experience of specific learning differences. It is invaluable and insightful reading for those with specific learning differences as well as their parents and/or partner, teachers, teaching assistants and SENCos.
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