
Get your head out of your butts, world - this isn’t horror at all! It’s nice!

** spoiler alert ** 2.5 A cute, harmless story with a vibe fit for the holidays. It’s hard to give this a proper review because of how short it is, but I did enjoy it for what it is. There’s a lot of flat characterizations and stereotypes, which is disappointing considering how that is what King is best at. That being said, I still really enjoyed it and even when he’s giving the bare minimum it’s still pretty damn readable. A light one to finish the year and my reading challenge with. It was cold up here, much colder than on the ground, but that was all right. He let the coverlet go and watched it drop, spreading out as it went, slowing, becoming a parachute, not weightless but almost. Everyone should have this, he thought, and perhaps, at the end, everyone does. Perhaps in their time of dying, everyone rises.

3.5 it was okay, except for sk's usual excessive descriptions/going off subject but oh well

it was fine, a pretty cozy read

Elevation is a thoughtful, sometimes quirky, and usually kind depiction of a small-town dude struggling with a mysterious ailment and some (justifiably) cranky neighbors. It's interesting and sometimes contemplative, but ultimately somewhat unsatisfying. The initial moment that depicts the title feeling is lovely, though.

This book pleasantly surprised me. I read it despite not being super interested in the plot because a friend of mine likes the author, and I must say that it is one of my favourite reads of the year so far! The story follows the main character Scott as gravity slows stops working on him, and shows how important it is to live life to the fullest because you just never know when it could end. The main plot is such an interesting and unique idea, which had me very much hooked from beginning to end, and I genuinely found myself wondering the outcome of the book in my lessons at college, and genuinely excited to finish it (which was helpful due to me being in a large slump recently). But not only that, the side plots were all amazing, with a character learning that their homophobic mindset was wrong and changing into a better person, and the main character realising that just because he lived alone didn’t mean he had to BE alone. The ending of the book was beautiful too, and evoked such a strong emotion in me that I don’t often feel in shorter books like this. Not only that, but I finally understand the Stephen King hype, he truly has a way a with words that is so captivating that you don’t want to stop reading! i thoroughly enjoyed my experience reading this, and i really recommend this book!

I loved this book so much! My aunt recommend it too me and I'm glad she did :]

Very interesting read, now what I expected tbh

I love Stephen King books. But this one was so different from what I have read by him, so far. This story is not horror whatsoever. I would almost say it's magical realism. This was an enjoyable story that I flew through. It was super short and an enjoyable read, overall. I did find that the excessive comments on legs and shorts to be a bit much, but it's King so there's that. But, I loved the small town and the cast of characters. I enjoyed how the neighbors that were "rivals" in the beginning became best friends in the end, and I loved that small town feel. This was a good novella, but it could have been expanded to a full-length novel and still have been very enjoyable.

Non ho capito il senso della finale, però vorrei leggerlo per capire meglio

This is good short story. Support your local library and get it there, not really worth $8 that it is selling for right now.

An entertaining, almost cute, story that has a little inspiration, some heart string pulling, lots of mystery, might get a few synapses firing in your brain, and will definitely leave you wondering.

If you’re struggling with a book slump or are wanting to get further in your reading challenge then this is a good read for you

Less suspense, more science fiction/comedy/human experience short story. I read it in just under 2 hours and it was a page turner!

A nice short novella from King. I love adding these smaller works into my reading list. 50 hour books are fun, but there is something to be said for a smaller book that tells a quick story.

What are you?

You can find this review and more at Novel Notions. “Gravity is the anchor that pulls us down into our graves.” Elevation is not your typical Stephen King book. First of all, it’s a tiny thing clocking in at fewer than 150 pages. Compared to most of King’s published works, that’s insanely short. He does have some wonderful novellas and short stories, but when a man known for publishing doorstoppers like IT, 11/22/63, Under the Dome, and The Stand publishes something that can be read in a day, it seems like a pretty radical difference. Second, this is not a horror story. Don’t get me wrong, it’s definitely strange, but it didn’t strike me as horror. Instead, it was bittersweetly moving, focussing on friendship and its ability to get us through even the toughest of times. I’ve come to love Castle Rock. Although I haven’t read all of King’s works set in this picturesque town that seems to draw the disturbing and macabre, I’ve very much enjoyed everything I’ve read so far in that setting. It was nice to get something, well, nice that was set in this poor town that has undergone so many grisly things. There was definitely still darkness in Castle Rock, but it was in the form of the judgmental mentality that has come to plague our society. But for once, we see that toxicity abate as people set aside their differences and decided to focus on being good neighbors instead of gossiping about those who are different. If you knew the days left to you were numbered, wouldn’t you want to spend whatever time you had left loving people instead of judging them, building friendships instead of fences? I know I would. I loved Scott, our main character, and felt for him as he tried to wrap his head around this weird thing that was happening to him. I loved that he spend every ounce of energy he had on righting wrongs he had committed, and calling Castle Rock to do the same. The relationships he built were beautiful, and I think they did as much to elevate his heart as his strange disorder elevated his body. His worldview was movingly positive and I love him for it. There have been quite a few comparisons drawn between this novella and another work of King’s, Thinner. Even though I have yet to read that book, I made those comparisons myself when I first started reading Elevation. However, I don’t think Thinner had this type of positivity woven through it, so I’m going to go out on a limb and say that, though the premises may be similar, the stories are not. Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong, but Elevation is a story of friendship and hope in the midst of hopeless situations, and I doubt that is the case in Thinner. Elevation is a beautiful little story that I read in one sitting. If you’ve never read King and have been afraid to give him a try, I think this book and Gwendy’s Button Box, another Castle Rock novella, would be a great place to start. King is considered a master for a reason, and I believe he’s an author that everyone should at least give a shot. Who knows, he might become one of your favorites!

Easily a 3.5 read for me. It was bad, but it wasn’t fantastic either. It was a quick read with a story about relationships, friendships, and over-comings. Scott loosing weight is the plot of the story and I really wish it would have went more into that and the science aspect of it because I was dumbfounded on how it was happening to him. Scott while loosing this weight yet he looks the same, is having trouble with his neighbors dogs pooping on his lawn. His lesbian neighbors I might add who are having trouble with the restaurant because the town is apparently too goodey to go eat at there restaurant. Scott makes it his mission to help his neighbors and fix his relationship with him before 0 day. This was overall I good read I just wish it would have went more in-depth with his weightloss and why it was happening. But the story is about friendships and opening up to people. About not judging a book by its cover and helping your neighbor.

Big disappointment from Stephen King! I expected so much more but the plot was so..... meh. Honestly yikes it felt like an author's first book instead of a book from Stephen King what the heck. The ending was disappointing.

Good short story. I liked how stereotypes and perspectives were addressed. Typical no-explanation Stephen King.

I don’t think I’ve ever finished a book and just sat here wondering why it exists until now. What was this? What was the point of it? I’m just confused.

I loved this book. Wholesome, witty, and full of wonder. I finished it in just over an hour, I couldn't put it down.

My first King read ever! I was so nervous I chose possibly thee shortest novel he’s ever written ha ha. Very quick read, and new territory. Something I’ve certainly never read before, but also didn’t expect from what I know of King. I guess I’ve always thought most of his work was a bit too dark for me but I was so wrong because this particular read was so far from that. *listened to the audiobook alongside reading the book myself. King narrated it himself and I’ve never been so mesmerized by a narrator. Maybe it’s the simple fact he wrote the book himself; he knows where the place emphasis, or maybe he’s just great. I’m gonna go with he’s just great 😎*

(+) King "has always excelled at writing about real people tested by unreal situations" - Washington Post This is not a horror/thriller story like most of King's work. Including a supernatural element of course, it's a story about acceptance. (-) Maybe it was the length of the book but I didn't get very attached to any of the characters like I usually do.