
3.5 I wanted to see the Belikovs reuniting, but the action felt rushed. Nonetheless, awesome novella. Hope to move onto Bloodlines as soon as possible

That was adorable. Rose being frustrated because of Yeva was hilarious and my shipper heart is happy just to see a little more of Rose and Dimitri :')

Podría haber sido el mejor libro aparte de vampire academy, dandole a los fans un final de todo (final del final del final). Pero en cambio, ha sido sólo de relleno. Yo quería algo más, mi culpa.

Dimitri reuniting with his family was something that I have always wanted to read about and getting to see Rose and my little Dimika acting so much like a couple just warmed my heart.

Quick Thought (or not) Sometimes anthologies are hard to read for me because you start getting into the story, and then just like that it's over. My recent reading has been all over the place, and it seems that most everything is just okay. I thought that maybe if I read an anthology I could get a little bit of a variety with different authors writings, and seeing as how most of these authors I have yet to read anything from I figured it would be a good start. The only authors that I have read their other books are Lisa McMann, Richelle Mead, Margaret Stohl, Kami Garcia, and Heather Brewer. So here's to reading some new authors such as Laini Taylor, Gentleman send phantoms by Laini Taylor (25 pages) This story of prophecy is more along the lines of (well I can't think of the word so I left a blank space). A certain day of the year called St. Faiths Day girls (at the marrying age) bake a cake (sorry peeps no eating this cake) put their initials on it, and go to sleep, and hopefully wake to the guys phantom they're going to marry (and the initials in the cake as well) This is where Laini Taylors story begins with 3 girls Ava, Elsie, and Pippin (Cathy) long time friends baking their cakes together, and all secretly hoping,/b> that they'll get the cottage hottie, Matty. I will say that having not read Laini Taylors Daughter of Smoke and Bone Series (Yet! People don't judge me.) I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed this one, and I will definitely have to bump them up the list. Her writing was enjoyable to read, and all though I was pretty certain with who Matty picked, I had my doubt. (I mean it's WAY obvious but still. Just saying.) All in all this story was a hit for me. :) (Will be edited as I read each story)

Pensé que esta historia sería normal sin tanta acción pero como siempre me sorprendío la trama y sobretodo me encantó que habló más de Rose y Dimka ♥

4.5/5 Si, ho letto solo la novella di Dimitri e Rose ma credo che questo l'abbiano fatto un pò tutti ;). Adoro questi due, sono una delle mie coppie preferite e vederli insieme mi fa venire gli occhi a cuoricino *-*. Se la previsione della nonna di Dimitri è giusta voglio un'altra novella su di loro! Dai, non puoi negarmi questo immenso piacere *o*

Just as with any anthology, some of the stories are good and others are just meh. But I didn't skip any and I got to spend some more time with Rose and Dimitri, which is always a treat.