
I absolutely love this series and just will continue to shove these books in to every person's faces that I know or ever met. I think Gum Baby is the best character ever written. I adore how the adults legitimately care. I know this is supposed to be the end of the series but I hope to God it really really isn't.

Disclaimer: I received this e-arc and finished copy from the publisher. Thanks! All opinions are my own. Book: Tristan Strong Keeps Punching Author: Kwame Mbalia Book Series: Tristan Strong Book 3 Rating: 5/5 Diversity: Black MC and side characters, African myth and lore Recommended For...: children’s books, middle grade, fantasy, mythology) Publication Date: October 5, 2021 Genre: MG Fantasy Recommended Age: 10+ (violence, gore, some scary moments, trauma, grief) Explanation of CWs: Publisher: Rick Riordan Presents Pages: 400 Synopsis: After reuniting with Ayanna, who is now in his world, Tristan travels up the Mississippi in pursuit of his archenemy, King Cotton. Along the way they encounter new haints who are dead set on preventing their progress north to Tristan's hometown of Chicago. It's going to take many Alkean friends, including the gods themselves, the black flames of the afokena gloves, and all of Tristan's inner strength to deliver justice once and for all. Review: I highly enjoyed this book! The character development is great and the world building is sound. I loved the story and I love that the author does not shy away from talking about society or how life is for our main character. Now only is this an important voice for children to read about, I believe that the more talked about these issues that Tristan faces are, the more tools we give children to change the future for the better for all. The only issue I had with the book is that the beginning of the book is slow and it takes a second for me to remember everything from the previous two books, but I highly recommend this book! Verdict: Highly recommend!