Jack Kingsley

Looking for a Feisty Heroine with a lot of personality? What about a hero the Heroine is tasked with keeping out of trouble? Jessica Calvary has that impossible task and she will never make it easy for him. Jack Kingsley is dealing with his own demons. This book has everything you could possibly want in a story. Pain, real people with real flaws, and second chances. This story will break you and put you back together. It was apparently just what this gal needed. I'm going to have to order the paperback to put on my shelf and I only put special books there. Grab your copy today and you won't be disappointed.


The thing I’ve come to is this: maybe pain isn’t bad. Maybe its purpose is to help us feel the good so deeply it brings us the kind of joy that no manufactured high will ever give us.

“As much as I want to keep you here forever, I know it’s costing you to stay, sweetheart. Go home.”
And that right there is why Jack is one of my seven people even though I’ve told him I don’t want to be his friend again. The man might have his faults, but he loves so completely and selflessly that I can never not love him back.