Cassandra Effect

Cassandra Effect Arctic "methane Bomb" Analysis: Consultation Without Response to Scientists about an Abrupt Feedback of Clathrate Release in 2025/30

Roberto Gomes2020
WMO predicts that between 2020 and 2023 there is a 10% chance of a global temperature rise to 1.5o C. This means that the UN goal of not exceeding this threshold will not be heard by the warming pace itself Global acceleration. While by 2030 it will reach 450 ppm of CO2, if we continue at the same rate of pollution, and as a result the fateful 2o C that will activate the positive feedbacks that will cause the abrupt defrosting of the Arctic continental permafrost and then of the underwater clathrates, which they already accuse an active defrosting process. At the same time the floating ice of the North Pole will have disappeared during the summers, together with the albedo effect and the Arctic Ocean will be reheating to 5o / 7o C activating the release of methane gas hydrates from the bottom. Then the global temperature will skyrocket at ~ 4o / 6o C and up to 12o C at both poles, beginning the accelerated thaw of Greenland and Antarctica, being able to rise the oceans up to 60 meters in years and not in millennia, flooding all the coastal cities and causing 600 million simultaneous environmental refugees.
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