Final Siege

I loved the first book in this series so I had high hopes for this book and I was not disappointed. Mac and the others from Eagle Security have been friends since they were toddlers. But tragedy struck and they lost one of their friends. But Mac lost more than a friend, he also lost the love of his life, Delaney, the sister of his lost friend. She could not get past the fact that Mac was there but could not save her brother. Fast forward a decade or so and Mac and the boys have founded Eagle Security and Mac has had no contact with Delaney. But when he gets a call from Germany that Delaney has been hurt and is asking for him, he drops everything to go to her. Delaney is now an investigative reporter, steeped into a deep web of corruption, arms dealing and potentially with a drug dealing connection. She is kidnapped and beaten to a pulp. When she finally wakes up she doesn't know what to make of Mac being there. She grudgingly accepts his help and him getting her home but she is not ready to rip off the Band-Aid covering her heart. But when danger continues to dog Delaney she has to turn to Mac for help and all their old feelings flood to the top but she struggles with separating her love for Mac and her anger at the loss of her brother. We get to drop in on the shy genius that is Louisa and we get to see a bit more of Ghost and the others at Eagle. I loved meeting Mac's big, Irish, huggy, family. I enjoyed the way that Delaney was just swept up into the family as if she had never been away. It was also great that she didn't fall into Mac's arms right away, she really had to wrangle with her emotions, even when her body was telling her something else. Superb!