
i didn't like this one as much as submission i think (but looking back i don't think i liked submission all that much upon finishing it. it has grown in my estimation immensely due to its staying power). a lot less happens in this one and it is a lot more grounded in the real world (i think part of submission's charm is the combination of an outlandish premise and a monotonous tone), which i don't want to say is a fault but it does feel like one. still, a relatively compelling read, even though it still has all the problems submisson has without as much of the reward. it does make me want to read more houellebecq. something about his writing is fascinating to me. oh also this translation is really really bad imo

i’m not sure how much of this i’ll retain but it did make me realize how much i love reading the inner monologues of snarky, mean, fictional depressives

i love him (Florent)

Can you imagine this book written by someone who grew up in America? Ha it is so so so so much worse here.


Houellebecq kann ohne Zweifel schreiben, allerdings bedient er sich allzu oft diskriminierender Sprache und manifestiert diskriminierende (vor allem misogyne und rassistische) Stereotype. Diese doch sehr eingeschränkte Sicht des alten, weißen Mannes findet in meinen Augen in den Kritiken zu wenig Beachtung.

i like his writing style, even though content is fucking depressing. you would think i would tire of lonely white men complaining about their pitiful lives, but i just find it fascinating, really. on to the next !

I liked the descriptions of food ("large draught beers and rillette sandwiches"), the countryside and learning about the problems that face French farmers. This is Houellebecq so strap in and prepare for extreme isolation and bitterness.