The Sandman Vol. 1: Preludes & Nocturnes

The Sandman has always existed in the background of my life, and i'd read some of the stories from Endless Nights when I was much younger, but i'd never really felt the urge to read the whole story from the beginning until I saw the recent television adaptation.
It's nice to see where it stayed faithful and where it deviated from the original story, but having read Preludes and Nocturnes, listened to the audio drama Vol. 1, and seen season 1, i can firmly say that all the changes were made for the best.
It's rare that an author gets to revisit and reshape a story that's spent over thirty years out in the world, but Neil Gaiman took full advantage of the opportunity.
Preludes and Nocturnes is more than the skeleton of something beautiful, but it's still a little lacking in some areas, in my opinion. The illustration feels like quite basic mainstream "comic art" to my eye, being used to more experimental and beautiful art. John Dee's arc in Passengers also feels much weaker in comparison to the television adaptation, and his motivations seem shallow and flimsy, making him more of a simplistic villain.
To conclude, I'm excited to get my hands on The Doll's House.

it has been too long since i picked up a graphic novel and boy I’m glad i picked up this one! neil gaiman has a chokehold on me, and i loved seeing his characters in color

Wath the tv series. It's fantastic


People think dreams aren’t real because they aren’t made of matter and particles. Dreams ARE real but they are made of viewpoints, of images, of memories and puns and lost hopes…