The Winter King

The Winter King

C. L. Wilson2014
An epic new fantasy romance from New York Times and USA Today bestselling author C. L. Wilson After three long years of war, starkly handsome Wynter Atrialan will have his vengeance on Summerlea's king by taking one of the man's beautiful, beloved daughters as his bride. But though peace is finally at hand, Wynter's battle with the Ice Heart, the dread power he embraced to avenge his brother's death, rages on. Khamsin Coruscate, Princess of Summerlea and summoner of Storms, has spent her life exiled to the shadows of her father's palace. Reviled by her father, marriage to Wintercraig's icy king was supposed to be a terrible punishment, but instead offers Kham her first taste of freedom—and her first taste of overwhelming passion. As fierce, indomitable Wynter weathers even Khamsin's wildest storms, surprising her with a tenderness she never expected, Kham wants more than Wynter's passion—she yearns for his love. But the power of the Ice Heart is growing, dangerous forces are gathering, and a devastating betrayal puts Khamsin and Wynter to the ultimate test.
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Photo of Ela
5 stars
Sep 3, 2024

While I really liked the book and what happened in it, the ending made me a bit hesitant in giving this book a 5 star as it ends quite quickly and there were some things that happened which I didn’t agree with.

I’ve been putting off reading this book for a while now because it sounded good which usually means that the book won’t be but this book was amazing. I really liked the plot because there was a lot of things that happened which weren’t obvious and I liked how it showed what the characters did in their everyday lives. It was obvious that there would be a scene where Khamsin would have to choose between her family and Wynter but there were a lot of things that happened in between that showed the development of the characters as well as their relationships. For example, I liked how Khamsin and Krysti formed a friendship and how they would spend their days, even though there could have been a little bit more of Krysti and how he got along with Wynter.

I really liked the characters and how the side characters were shown. I liked Khamsin and Wynter’s relationship from the beginning because their attraction was obvious and then when they started to get to know each other, it got even better. I really liked how Khamsin would keep trying to make the most of the situation she was in and kept trying to be nice to the servants and the people from the villages but I did want to see a little bit more of people actually being nice to her as while there were a few scenes where it said that they smiled at her or were nicer to her, I wanted to see it happen. I really liked Wynter’s character and how he was cold and understanding at the same time. I liked seeing the side characters (Galacia, Krysti, Valik) but I wanted to see scenes where Galacia and Valik got along with Khamsin as Valik was suspicious of Khamsin throughout this whole book. The only side characters, apart from the obvious villains, that I didn’t like at all were the Seasons of Summerlea, Khamsin’s sisters. They weren’t really shown but I hated how they acted like a normal family with their father and would sometimes sneak away to see Khamsin. All the sisters knew that their father treated Khamsin badly and yet they did nothing about it and carried on acting like their father was a good person. When the Summer King beat Khamsin, they only gasped and disapproved and yet they did nothing to try to help her, even though it was obvious that he was using Khamsin as a sacrifice when he gave her to Wynter.

The ending in this book was the thing that I liked the least as everything else in this book is well developed and shown clearly but the ending seemed a bit quick. After the last war there was a time jump and not much is shown. It shows that Khamsin’s sisters came to see her (and I didn’t like or believe how they acted like they suddenly cared and would do anything to see her again) and Krysti is mentioned in the background too. It all just seemed really short and not like the rest of the book. I wanted to see more of how Khamsin and Wynter got along, what they did, how the people treated her now and how Khamsin and Krysti spent their time.

I really liked this book and I will definitely read more books by this author in the future but I’m a bit worried that the next book in this series won’t be as good for me. I really liked the Calberna Prince when he was shown in this book but I didn’t like Khamsin’s sisters at all and now that Summer is described as being really powerful, I don’t like her even more as, for me, she doesn’t deserve it with how she said she cared about Khamsin but did nothing to protect her.

Photo of Caroline Qualey
Caroline Qualey@quail
5 stars
Jun 10, 2024

I’ve read this roughly twenty times now and it genuinely has no Buisness being this good with a cover like that.

Photo of kit
4 stars
May 26, 2024

hmm this was interesting and fun but not as earth shattering as some people made it out to be but if you like those isekai marrying the cold duke manhwas then this might be right up your alley

Photo of Vicky  Nuñez
Vicky Nuñez @vicky21
5 stars
Mar 25, 2024

C. L. Wilson, what are you doing to me?! Why are more people not doing what she's doing? She writes very swoony romances in a high fantasy setting. And why are people not giving this series more love? I don't get it. I looove everything about this series. I loved the little glimpses we got into Winter & Storm and how they're doing and how we got to get to know more of each of the seasons. I loved Dilys and Summer. I loved the whole queendom of Calberna and the idea behind their abilities. There's not much I hated, except I wish it hadn't ended. I officially declare myself a fangirl and can't wait for the rest of the books in this series.

Photo of lerma corpuz
lerma corpuz@itsunny_day8
5 stars
Jan 25, 2024

Soooo good, perfect for winter season

Photo of big ab
big ab@snapitsabbey
4 stars
Jan 2, 2024

okay 1) ignore how fucking ugly this cover is. just because the man’s wig is so bad does not mean the book is that bad. it’s not bad, the book is actually pretty good. 2) the reason this isn’t a 5 star book is because the last 15% of it is so fucking confusing. i have no clue what happens in the final battle scene, it makes no sense to me im so sorry. i can only reread a paragraph so many times before i give up. 3) however the romance is delicious. and the world building is surprisingly really good. i was never super confused about the fantasy elements which is a shock considering im usually always confused. 4) another reason this book isn’t 5 stars.. the author kept using the word “exotic” when talking about the FMC who is obviously a woman of color. i fucking hated that. like every single description of her was “exotic”. like at one point (and i’m not joking), the words “exotic nipple” were used. and that made me unhappy. 5) however the MMC is very hot.

Photo of Emma Lechner
Emma Lechner@emmyofthevalley
3.5 stars
Dec 4, 2023

Really nice fantasy romance to read during the winter time, and I loved the main character, she felt like a proper strong female character which is rare in romance I feel like, especially when the male character is more dominating. This felt like it had a nice balance of softness and roughness from the couple.

My only real complaint was that the story just felt a bit longer than it needed to be. It wasn't that I was bored by it. I just felt like the grand finale of the book was all sort of rushed at the end so I felt like the first half of the book was just back story for the major events. The beginning and the ending could have been two different books.

Photo of Nouf Fallatah
Nouf Fallatah @n0uf
1 star
Mar 10, 2023

I’m soo bored this book just dragged and dragged. Reminded me of the feeling of peeling a bandage 😭😭😭😭😭I want it to end but it’s not ending. This story could have been wrapped up in 300 pages 😭😭😭but no ♾

Photo of Lover of Romance
Lover of Romance @addictedtoromance
5 stars
Jan 1, 2023

Wynter, the king of Wintercraig, devoted his time and energy to building up his kingdom, and trying to work with their southern neighbors: Summerlea. But then the prince of Summerlea stole his bride and killed his brother, and for three years he has battled with his enemies and now he has won and will take a bride of one of the precious daughters of the summer king. What he doesn't know is that there is a fourth daughter, one who can save him from the ice heart that is slowly consuming him. Khamsin, is blamed by her father for the death of her mother. Her father hates her and abuses her and she has grown up in the remote section of the palace. Then she is forced to disguise herself and marry the Winter King. She fears him more than any other, for his power matches her own, but she feels a burning for him she has never felt before. From the warm lands of Summerlea to the cold and bitter territory of Wintercraig, she will need to decide where her loyalties lie: to her family who never loved her as they should have, or her husband who loves her with a fierce passion? War is coming and only Khamsin and Wynter can defeat the greatest enemy of all and save all from destruction. The Winter King is the first book in the most newest and latest series by C.L. Wilson. This is the one book I have been looking forward to read the most all year and now I finally got a chance to read it through Avon and Edelweiss. Even though this book is almost 600 pages, it really didn't feel that long. The Winter King is a story that will magically sweep you off your feet, and I literally had to force myself to put this down when I needed to work, but I just wanted to read this all right at that moment, I was so intrigued and The Winter King swept me up from the very beginning. There was never a time while reading this I felt a urge to set it down at all. If anything I couldn't help but read it as much as possible. This story begins with the betrayal of Wynter and his vengeance. Wynter is one hell of a kind of hero....ALPHA all the way. Just thinking about him gives me the shivers (but in a good way!!) He definitely stirs the blood and seriously what woman wouldn't want him at her side. Wynter has done some shameful things, he has taken the Ice heart, which has given him the power to defeat his enemy. But it is also slowly destroying him and freezing him from inside out....and only love will thaw him. He believes that will happen when he has his heir. Even though he is rough around the edges, he has a soft side to especially for the heroine of the story. He wants to despise her and he doesn't trust her at first, but we see how feels a magnetic pull towards her. The heroine one of my all time favorites....she is amazing and wonderful and you can't help but find her endearing. Which is very rare, usually the focus is on the hero. But Wilson has succeeded in developing both of the main characters to a point that you fall in love with them and by the end of the story you feel as if you could be best friends with her. We see her strong spirit from the beginning of the story, and what a fighter she is. At first she seems a bit more submissive at times, but she has a tender heart and a fiery spirit...mix those two together and you get one fierce lass. There were so many times I wanted to cry for her and what her father is painful to read through, but Wynter comes through and he is super protective of her even though he hates her family and even her at the beginning. The connection that these two have is so precious and tender. The chemistry in this story is SIZZLING and you will need a fire hose to keep the smoke from consuming you. These two definitely know the meaning of fireworks and explosions especially when it comes to passion. There is a power ridden sensuality with each chapter. The plot is well laid out and has quite a few twists that you don't ever expect, and it will keep you guessing and enthrall you even more in the story. Overall a stunning romantic tale of the power of true love, devotion and magic. With a sensual passion, endearing characters, and a story line to captivate you body and soul!! Get ready for a adventure of a lifetime. One that will take you to new heights, in a world of the magic of winter, where ice and snow are a constant....and a love story to bring a tear to your eye and a smile to your heart. TRULY MAGNIFICENT.

Photo of Lover of Romance
Lover of Romance @addictedtoromance
5 stars
Jan 1, 2023

This review was originally posted on Addicted To Romance I was so thrilled when I was granted a copy of this book through Avon, I just wanted to jump right into it and I did and man I couldn't put it down, and this book is 600 PAGES!! Yes I read all that in one sitting and I just couldn't put this one down, not once. C.L. Wilson is just the type of author that pulls me instantly into a book and I can't get out of it until I am finished, and now I am feeling a bit of a book hangover because it was so dang good. I just want to re read it, just to be able to relive this most poignant and powerful romance. The Sea King is one of the most powerful and stimulating reads I have read in a long time. Probably ever since I first discovered this author with her first fantasy series. Our story starts off with our hero, Dilys Merimydion, who is the prince of Calberna and he has spent much of his life to dedication and providing for his people. He is trained and is a leader and one of the most powerful of his kind. Now it is time for him to find the one, his future mate, wife, lover and future mother of his children, to start a family of his own. He along with other worthy Calberna males have been invited to Summerlea to court the women there, and Dilys will have the special honor of courting the three magical princess: Autumn, Spring and Summer. All reported to be lovely, but his people would prefer he go with Autumn or Spring. They admire strong women, and his mate will be the queen of Calberna, and the one princess they don't feel is right is Summer, who is rumored to be reserved but kind and caring and gentle. Our heroine Summer, knows that she must keep up the pretense that she is shy and gentle because she gained the power and abilties of both her parents. Powers that could endanger every life she knows and loves if it doesn't stay contained. Her own father went mad over the power and she is feeling herself going that way. She needs to stay safe and lone forever, she will never be able to have a man to love or to have children and it has created a emptiness inside her.  When Prince Dilys arrives to Summerlea, she planned on staying away, but she is drawn to him and there is a powerful soul connection. But Summer believes that she can never have love with a man, because it would only drive her to madness. Dilys Merimydion wasn't just a terrible danger to her; he was a potently appealing poison she longed to consume. Every moment he sat there, crouched over her, edged her closer to the abyss. She wanted it--oh, not the destruction and misery her father had caused, but the love he'd had. The love Khamsin and Wynter had. That perfect, deep, consuming love. She wanted it so badly the hunger was a burning fire inside her soul.  So she does something that can't be forgotten, a way for Dilys to foget about her. But Dilys, is a man that was raised to court slowly and carefully. Summer may not have been his first choice, but he knows that there is a hidden fire within her, a fire that connects her soul to his. He knows that she won't be easy, and that her love will be hard fought for but well worth it. But there is a enemy, that is determined to take away his mate from him and her sisters, and he will have to use all powers of the sea to find her and defeat his enemies once and for all and claim Summer as his forever... Yep this book was astounding, amazing, breathtaking, heartbreaking, endearing, poignant and I guarantee it will take your breath away. This is a book that holds no prisoners....its a story that will literally make this magical world come to life. I was completely swept away by the magic of this story, and the way that it unfolded was simply beyond perfection. I couldn't have asked for a better book in The Sea King. I don't think that there isn't anything I didn't love about this book. Let me talk about the characters a bit. Our heroine is full of dynamic qualities. She does have a sweet nature at times, children love and adore her. She teaches them, and she is loyal and everyone loves her.  But she is also powerful, strong willed and kicks ass when she lets that power free. She is also one of a kind. The first of sirens in hundreds of years. What I liked about her character was seeing that there are different sides to her personality that we see. She can be as calm or as storm as the seas. Then we have our delicious hero, Dilys. Now I will say this is a hero that I would want for my own. He does have some alpha male qualities but I would say he is a mix between Alpha and a Beta. Because he respects and admires women, he wants to see them safe and protected but also views them as his equals. He values their talents and abiltiies. We get to see deeper depths of his people, and boy I loved the way that they view women. They admire strong women above all, and encourage it even. They like them to be fighter and spirited. Once Dilys learns about who Summer really is and what she is, he only encourages her to be fully who she was born to be and to embrace her gifts. He wants to lift her up, and even though he is a protector, he wants a partner in life. And boy did I love that in this book. It was so refreshing to see a man that viewed women like this. Life and magic and strength flows through your veins. You are a wellspring of power, a queen of all waters. All the life and energy and vitality in every ocean, every sea, ever river, every lake and stream lives in you. And if you need more, then take it from me. What is mine is yours without question or limits. So long as there is breath in my lungs, you will never stop breathing. So long as my heart beats, yours will never stop. Whatever pain you have, let me bear it for you. I offer my strength and magic and life force to nourish your own. Stay with me, moa kiri. Live for me. Their romance is powerful and hot, I will see they have some powerful and intense chemistry. But their relationship is slow building at times. Even though they could make a volcano erupt with their desire, you see that Dilys wants more than just good sex with Summer. He wants to love Summer and for Summer to love him, and slowly courts her and he definitely knows how to do it so well. Summer is quite stubborn, but Dilys is beyond patient and understanding. Their romance is endearing and tender at times yet could be wild and intense at times too. There were many dynamics of their relationship that makes the reader want more from this couple. The other characters in this story were simply fantastic as well, I loved the relationship that we see between the sisters. I loved their unity and closeness, how well they know each other and their teasing and bantering that brings a smile to your face. We do have some scary villains in this book, and I will need to warn you that their actions aren't for the faint of heart. And in some ways the author leaves us with a bit of a cliffhanger to the plot line here a bit. But not to the main couple....they find their happy ever after and bring some of the villains to justice. Overall The Sea King is a love story that will make you ponder, that gives you hidden depths of emotion, that touches your soul, it breathes joy and laughter into your heart and gives a passionate and adventure that will burn into your memory....A MAGICAL JEWEL OF THE SEA Books N Tunes Reading Challenges Make You Feel My Love by Billy Joel Click To Buy On Amazon

Photo of Kelly Casey
Kelly Casey@caseygirlreads
4.5 stars
Dec 23, 2022

This was a really engaging historical fantasy romance. I liked the magic, I loved the main character Khamsin, I really enjoyed some of the side characters, and it was a really good atmospheric book for the winter. The plot was really intriguing if at times a little frustrating. I think where this gets docked half a star is that Wynter doubted Khamsin's loyalty and love throughout this ENTIRE book. Wynter is such a cold character (because of the ice heart and prior betrayal), but I really struggle with the fact that there was so very little romance. It felt like he always viewed her as the enemy even when he loved her, and I never fully got to see him evolve enough in the relationship to give this the full 5 stars. Don't get me wrong the story was epic, and I did really enjoy the romance... it just was lacking that extra little bit of love/swoon that would make this a full 5 stars.

I think readers who love historical fantasy romance will adore this book. Definitely worth the read.

Photo of Emily
3 stars
Jun 29, 2022

** spoiler alert ** Enjoyed The Winter King more, also wasn’t a fan with the lack of continuation in plot about Spring and Autumn, even when they died I just felt like they were a big part of the story… and then the pay weren’t and that was a little weird.

Photo of Scarlett A.
Scarlett A.@scarlettreads
3 stars
Jun 4, 2022

3,5/5⭐️ 3,5/🌶 “She was a daughter of the Sun, capable of warmth, but just as capable of fire and lethal volatility.”. ◾️ Royalty ◾️ Arranged marriage ◾️ Cold and distant King ◾️ The world building was very fascinating, I liked the idea of weathermages, the Ice King, ... ◾️ Great chemistry between the characters ◾️ All kinds of back stabbing, cunning plots, near death experiences, ... ◾️ Special powers ◾️ Special, magical swords ◾️ The "heat rate" for this book is: it gets steamyyy! I was fond of reading this fantasy romance novel. There are more books in this universe, but The Winter King can be read as a stand alone. Don't let this COVER mislead you, the story is better than that.

Photo of Vanessa Shelton
Vanessa Shelton@songhai
4 stars
Apr 26, 2022

Gotta love that there's a kingdom of simps out there in Mistral, dedicated to treating their women like queens.

Photo of Becky
4 stars
Jan 6, 2022

4.5 stars This is a book I'd been looking forward to reading ever since finishing the first and it certainly didn't disappoint. It was fast paced and filled with characters it was easy to grow attached to. I did think that the action of the plot was more in the second half of the book than the first so I had begun to reach the point of being bored by reading the same thing again when the story began to develop but that's smart on the authors part. Just when the book could have lost me it drew me back in. I loved that this book made it much more obvious there was a story to continue and there is a plot which seems to be developing throughout the series and I love that in a series. Sure, I like the stand alone story taking place in each but it's great to see something linking them all together beyond the fact the characters are related.

Photo of Becky
5 stars
Jan 6, 2022

Logically, I know I should rate this book more like a 4 or something as I'm sure I've read books which with a more in depth plot and greater worlduoldigg and all that but to mark it down for those reasons would be petty. This was such an enjoyable and addictive read that I was so nervous about starting and now I've finished I'm ready to hit myself my doubts. This book was exactly what I wanted and more. There are nowhere near enough fantasy romance books out there in the world and this is a prime example of doing this genre right. This book is amazing and it rocked because Khamsin was an utterly relatable protaganist you could easily like. No, we don't all have horrible parents who make us feel unloved and a curse of the family but we all have moments of doubt on our abilities and our self worth and at the heart of it that is Khamsin. From the beginning you are rooting for her to get her happy ending and for her father, the king of Summerlea, to get his comeuppance. Add in ultra masculine and supposedly terrifying Wynter and you are set for a good story. I loved the romance between Wynter and Khamsin as they clashed a lot but they were so good together. They were sweet and adorable and you saw the squishy centre that is Wyn. The adorable winter child he is. I just loved how those two together were just so hot! Oodles of chemistry to be had. The great thing is there was also a good story to this book as well. I mean, the romance was awesome sauce but there was a totally solid plot to go along with the romance. The distrust between the couple based on their forced wedding in the face of Wynter co querying Khamsin's kingdom and forging an alliance meant there was loads of reasons for them each to doubt one another. And doubt they did. Frequently. And you can't even get annoyed as there is good reason to distrust. I mean, Khamsin's brother did kill some folk and Wynter did wage a long war with many casualties. I'd have my doubts too. And the whole ice heart thing was so well done as it added another element to the story. This book cannot be accused of lacking substance. I seriously enjoyed every page and I will be buying everything C.L. Wilson has ever written. I need more.

Photo of Christina M Masters
Christina M Masters@xtina127
5 stars
Nov 17, 2021

I loved every moment of this book. Until I attended the Romantic Times Reader Convention this year, I had no idea there was a fantasy-romance genre. Granted I didn't look very hard but the con opened a whole new world for me. This book was equal part fantasy adventure and romance. C.L. Wilson designed us a rich world with vast, wonderful descriptions and fully fleshed out characters. I loved the heroine, Khamsin. She was as strong and resilient as she was vulnerable. The hero was no slouch himself. And being that this also included romance...the relationship between the two mains was so fun to read. And, the sex descriptions in the book were definitely enough to make you tingle! I will definitely be reading more books by this author. And hopefully will have a longer (better) review for this book to come.

Photo of Manda
5 stars
Sep 30, 2021

Well awaited for This book has been a long time in coming and if your anything like me then you wouldn't have minded a wait to get your hands on this book. I quickly pre ordered this book as soon as I knew it was coming up for release I even bought a paperback from America along with an e reader version because loving these books they become dogeared reading the inverse and over again and this is going to be no different. This book has twists and turns and even ended on a cliff hanger which I hope we will all be able to read in the near future. Carried on from the first in the series the winter king this is everything I have been waiting for you will get swept up in the pages and won't come up for air till the last page unless you have gills. That is a joke you'll have to read it to find out why it means in the book kind of my spoiler Just a great book!!!!!!!!!

Photo of Manda
5 stars
Sep 30, 2021

I love Wilson's work and this is no different spoilers be aware! She the winter king needs a wife he sees a chance to use his enemy who has lost the war to marry one of his daughters but not which one which gives his enemy the chance to get rid of the child he sees that killed his wife in childbirth. Getting rid of her thinking that if she doesn't conditioner his child then she will be put to death killing two birds with one stone so to speak but who knew that the winter king is not what they think him to be. With storms brother killing winters brother there is a lot more to this than meets the eye and she finds that there are some things that she thought are Not true. Saving winter saves everyone. A great love story and I can't count how many times I have re-read this book one of my favourites

Photo of Pamela Alvarado
Pamela Alvarado@reveriesociety
5 stars
Aug 27, 2021

Once upon a time I was a regular human being checking my timeline in the morning before going to class and I spotted Ashley, from Nosegraze's tweet about a book she'd read that had rocked her socks. It wall all too easy for me to fall and give in and buy the book. And now I've been destroyed by the utter awesomeness that this perfectly-paced book is. Not once did I feel that any scene was unnecessary. I didn't skip anything. I just read and read. I read in class, I read while I was eating, then I read well into the night and fell asleep and then in the morning I started reading again and I finished and now I don't know what to do. Help. READ IT AND SPREAD THE AWESOMENESS.

Photo of Pamela Alvarado
Pamela Alvarado@reveriesociety
5 stars
Aug 27, 2021


Photo of Lacey
3 stars
Aug 26, 2021

I really wish I could've loved this one more! So many of my friends adore this one but it just felt too long and dragged out for me. I never really connected with the main characters either. I do love the world though and want to continue on with the series.

Photo of Jaclyn Rye
Jaclyn Rye@jackierabbit
3.5 stars
Feb 22, 2025
Photo of Emily Jane Rumsey
Emily Jane Rumsey@emilyrumsey
3 stars
Jun 25, 2024

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