
Another glimpse of the Dream Hunters of Kenyons world. A good story with a kick ass female lead.

Aiden O Conner, became a famous actor, and is very talented, but was betrayed by everyone he knew, he has no friends and his brother is the worst. When his brother makes a deal with a god, to take him out, his life is in grave danger and there is only one person that can save him. Leta. Leta, knows the danger of her one enemy, and this enemy is after Aiden. A human man who has only known betrayal and injustice and pain. He doesn’t trust anyone, and lives like a “Scrooge” up in the mountains, away from civilization. Leta and Aiden become close despite how Aiden tries to keep pushing her away. This was such a fun short story, that added something different. What was most heartbreaking was Aiden and how he has been treated by everyone he knows, and his brother is just horrid. But Leta is such a wonderful heroine, kind and patient, she handles Aiden perfectly, and I love the way these two come together in the end and fight a god. Great courage and passion is written on each page, and this was a sexy and unique romantic interlude that is perfect for any time of year. It also reminds us the importance of loyalty to those we care about, and that jealousy can destroy us at times….it was an important reminder to me even, to keep close watch on my emotions and not let pride get in the way of the relationships I form. I adore how this author writes her stories, and I have found each story I read from her unique and teaches about human nature and makes us really think about what is really important in life.