Dead Souls
A middle-class social climber named Chichikov embarks upon a journey to collect 'dead souls.' These 'dead souls' are in fact serfs who have died since the last census was taken-though dead, they have not yet been removed from official records, and are therefore subject to taxation. In an entertaining story about Chichikov's bizarre plan to take out a loan against all the 'dead souls' he acquires, Gogol presents his shady protagonist against a grimly humorous backdrop of supporting characters.
Hannah Yang@hannahyang
Jesse Morley@jessemorley
Alfredo santos@alf
Cams Campbell@cams
Arden Kowalski@jonimitchell
Diana Platgalve@dianaplatgalve
Анастасия Розова@rozova_n
Jeni Enjaian@jenienjaian
Nathan Griffin@burdell
Younes Ben Amara@you
Alyssa C Smith@alyssacsmith
Roo Lampione@rooroo
Gabe Cortez@gabegortez
Christopher J. Lechner@beholder-101
Ibragimova Renata@renata_mode
Will Vunderink@willvunderink
M. Can Avci@mcanavci
Maurice FitzGerald@soraxtm
Shradha Thekkekara@pinku
Dennis Jacob Rosenfeld@rosenfeld