
I'll be honest with you, this was ok. The story was mediocre. The story was dragging for way too long, and it's only 4 issues, so that's saying something. I liked it at first, the plot, the what happened, the main unknown characters, the way it was all unfolding and explaining this and that, but then I wanted to see some action and to see something actually happening, and it wouldn't happen, it would just drag along for the story to keep unfolding and continuing telling us who does what and beware, something's coming and the new heroes are lazy and dumb and with no morals. Here it is, I'm fine with all that, but if you start a story telling me a superhero I know just stopped helping people because of whatever happened to him, and pretty much every hero stopped, for a decade, then you can't really expect me to take it easily for them to come back just like that?! Just because a threat is coming? Isn't always a threat coming? C'mon. And let's say ok, I'm down with that. Then you keep promising me that something huge is gonna happen and it's coming, and that endgame on your story is nothing worthy to write home about but it was just ok... and worst of all, it's so short that I'm like was that all? I was reading and reading the build up, for this? Well.. you lost me there. It had its moments. But overall I wasn't that much impressed, maybe it's because everyone's praising it all these years and I never really got my hands on it until now. So I was expecting this masterpiece of a story.. but I guess I was either lied by all of you, or... or the reason it gets 3 stars is simply because of Alex Ross. Ross' artwork is amazing. It makes everything better. The story, the imagery, the fight scenes, the way it's so realistic that I usually hate realistic artwork because it doesn't fit the comic vibes in general, but Ross' art is just so well "placed" within any story and so beautiful, that it's like you're watching a film with actors while reading. So there you have it. Do you HAVE to read this one as a must read? No. Don't believe the hype. Should you read it though? Yes, because of the artwork alone.

The artwork is exquisite and the story involved with both the frightening horror and the almighty hope interwoven through Revelations. I enjoyed the dark alternate look combined with the hope of light at the end of such darkness and the inclusion of most every DC characters we have grown to know and love as well as hate.

I waited until reading the last "book" to give my opinion. It was absolutely astounding. To start with, the art done by Alex Ross is beautiful. It must have taken a couple of years to complete the art for all four books, it was well worth the wait. Now for the story...where do I even begin. It is all told from the perspective of a bystander being shown around by the Spectre as things unfold in the world with the metahumans. The Justice League is forced to join together as many different forces fight for power and are tearing the world apart. What they are moving towards is the apocalypse. The story really shows you who these characters are at their core and I think it was a fantastic piece of art as well as a masterfully told story. I would definitely recommend it to everyone.

An excellent comic and one that has a theme I really seem to love, which is a storyline of the heroes in the future as old men. Most of the comics I read with this type of storyline I seem to like. There is just something about seeing Bruce Wayne with white hair and how to world is in the future. It's written beautifully and the plot really kept me going. Also the art is incredible, I love comics with digital paintings... 5\5

There were some high points (the artwork and Bruce among them) and some things I didn't like so much (Dick in Tim's Red Robin costume for one). It's difficult to complain about the religious themes and tone to this when they're kind of the point here. It was preachy and kept getting worse as the book wore on. Everything wrapped up very (almost too) quickly and suddenly the apocalypse is over and everyone goes out for burgers. Meh. I can see why this is considered a classic and a must-read. I just didn't love it.