Groupie Rock-Hard Beautiful Book #1

3.5/5⭐️ • 3.5/5🌶️
I’m going to tell you know before you read the book and you are told five thousand more times while reading the book. The FMC’s father died. Just be prepared for that. Maybe turn it into a drinking game because you for sure won’t finish the book, actually don’t do it because I’m afraid you may need to have your stomach pumped. But essentially there are five rockstars, one girl, and a very small tour bus. That’s pretty much all I can say because that’s all I actually absorbed from the book.


I was intrigued by this book. I’m still intrigued, but parts started to wear on me. The constant mention of pain, of them being humans in pain, in the lack of any really forward movement of the storyline. I am glad it wasn’t a sex-fest and again I’m intrigued to see where this story will go, so I will read roadie, but it won’t be because of any real sense of investment in the story. Sorry.

I love it

Very cute and exciting! I was never bored.

this book just gets so much better and steamier as you go on?? i was laughing during the first few chapters but once you get to know the boys.. 😭 i'm so stuck with them

** spoiler alert ** This series is so sweet. Pretty low risk of everything falling apart throughout it but enough tension to make it interesting. And M/M!!