
this was fun pero kinda mid porque it was predictable

Katie Buchanan@katieirene
Cute and, in essence, absolutely not what I expected from a Jeneva Rose book. She usually slaps me in the face with a plot twist that is usually just disturbing enough that you think to yourself, "No, she wouldn't do THAT... would she?" This was a great rom com vibe and I would have loved it as such, had I been reading it from an author who I expected to just deliver rom-com vibes.

Megan BV@megplantparm
They definitely went all in on marketing for this one. It was fine. Predictable and silly. Read it in one sitting. The more I think about it the less I like it. 😂 (and I’m really not a fan of the cover) As an avid romance reader this just wasn’t the book for me.

meg matthews@megshinske
