Star Eater

Bit too slow and long for the premise.
Also, not the biggest fan of first person POVs.
I did like that Hall didn’t spoon feed the world building/information to the reader. A lot of first person POV stories tend to do that, but with this story information rolled out at a good pace. I also enjoyed how different the side characters were and that our main FMC wasn’t a Mary Sue.

Kerstin Hall's Star Eater had been on my tbr for almost a year. I added this novel onto my tbr because I was intrigued by the premise: I found the title quite appealing, there's the concept of sisterhood, and I'm also interested in reading from the perspective of someone firsthand experiencing matyrdom / acts of sacrifice. In Star Eater, we follow through Elfreda's narratives and her journey of matrydom. What stood out to me is the amount of emphasis put into Elfreda's headspace as she navigates through the hierarchal structure of the sisterhood and faces difficult decisions that forces her to re-examine her belief systems. The tension of the story is enhanced with the supernatural / horror elements. These elements highlight Elfreda's struggle as well as her feminist narrative: how she takes command of her voice despite all of the societal expectations that she faces. While I think Elfreda's characterisation is decent, I believe that the lack of details in the worldbuilding bogged down Star Eater. There are definitely interesting concepts with the diety, sisterhood, and supernatural elements but I believe there should be more work put into fleshing out the world that Elfreda resides in. If there are more explanations and backstories provided into the sisterhood and the magic system beforehand, this would be a more immersive read. To sum it up, this is a heartbreaking character-driven novel that explores the notion of matyrdom - with tinges of horror elements. If you could put up with some horror elements, this is something to check out! N.B. This book contains following content warnings: gore, drowning, violence, weapons, and illnesses