Story of O
Before Fifty Shades of Grey there was Story of O, the notorious novel of dark obsession that introduced the world to erotic fiction. How far will a woman go to express her love? In this exquisite and taboo novel of passion and desire, the answer emerges through a daring exploration of the deepest bonds of sensual domination. "O" is a beautiful Parisian fashion photographer, determined to understand and prove her consuming devotion to her lover, René, through complete submission to his every whim, his every desire. It is a journey of forbidden, dangerous choices that sweeps her through the secret gardens of the sexual underground. From the inner sanctum of a private club where willing women are schooled in the art of subjugation to the excruciating embraces of René's friend Sir Stephen, O tests the outermost limits of pleasure. For as O discovers, true freedom lies in her pure and complete willingness to do anything for love.
Caitlyn C@theeafterwife
Bryanna M@byranna_mere
Diesel Cheung@insectcondo
Silje Risøy Helgerud@silje
Moxie Minion@moxie
Joshua Line@fictionjunky
MK Rosencrants@statmonkey
Sarah S@toxikologie
Stacey Rainey @staceytoday
Mounir Bashour@bashour
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