
Melody Izard@mizard
I'm almost halfway through with this series and I'm getting ready to miss Kinsey something fierce. She got whapped on the head with a bat by Hell on Wheels' granddaughter and she did not even get paid a cent. Her bad guys are sometimes full of good stuff and now we are surely going to get to know those cousins a little better.

I really liked this one. It's off beat and made me want to keep listening to see what was going to happen next. Kinsey is more fun now that she isn't answering to an insurance company. She doesn't have some hopeless romantic relationship, which is nice. I'm marathoning the series., curious to see if I'll catch up before 'Z is for ...' is released.

Sarah Sammis@pussreboots

Sonia Grgas@sg911911

Laura Mauler@blueskygreenstrees

Mary Baldwin@mapetiteliseuse

Sunelle Chamberlain@sunelle