
It's a whirlwind of imagination, brimming with chaotic energy. At times, the plot feels like a patchwork quilt, with stories stitched together in a somewhat disjointed manner. Despite this, I appreciate the creativity and the satisfying resolution, not to mention the delightfully peculiar characters that populate the story. It truly captures the whimsical nature of the fantasy genre.

what a delightful book

Delightfully witty. Sophie learns the importance of crafting your own path and not to let silly notions define your fortune.

i prefer movie sophie but book howl does that make sense

a long time favorite, full of whimsy and delight!


When I first watched the movie, I knew I need to read the book and it didn't dissappiont me. Beautiful characters and lines.

OKAY LISTEN IT'S A CHILDRENS BOOK SO I'M NOT GOING TO RATE IT BUT I love howl and I love sophie and calcifer and the little doggie and michael. I love this story and I appreciate that there's a little change to the story in the studio ghibili version and the book version.

Sophie and Howl from the movie adaptation may be way different from the book, but i like it better.

« it is quite a misfortune to be born the eldest of three. everyone knows you are the one who will fail first, and worst, if the three of you set out to seek your fortunes »
this was SUCH a cute read? i picked this book up because i had seen the movie once, a lifetime ago, and the book also came recommended to me by my best friend.
i didn't expect much, just a sweet little reprieve after the last book i read and i had so much fun i could barely put the book down.
i thought sophie and her thoughts were so well written and howl, as much as i like to sigh at his antics was so so endearing. i loved how fully fleshed out the characters felt? i loved michael, i loved calcifer, i liked sophie's sisters although not very present,...
i gave it five stars because honestly, it might become one of my favourite reads. genuinely very sweet.

I don't think I've ever said how much I adore this book. I do love it a fair bit. It's sweet, domestic, and fun. I had first watched the Ghibli adaptation of the book, and was quite surprised to found out how very different both versions were. I think I definitely enjoyed the book more, obviously. Sophie is a lovely character. She begins thinking absolutely nothing of herself, and at the end, I don't really think that's changed, but we do see that she isn't plain, that she is very strong-willed, and determined.

Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynn Jones (1986) is a delightful fantasy story full of spells, political intrigue and interesting characters. It was adapted into a wonderful film directed by Hayao Miyazaki in 2004. Sophie Hatter one day finds herself bewitched into an old woman by the Witch of the Waste. Having no one else to turn to, she decides to seek out the Wizard Howl who was "known to amuse himself by collecting young girls and sucking the souls from them." (page 4) As with many of Diana Wynne Jones's books, Sophie is left in the dark about much of the political situation that her apparently reluctant hosts, Howl and his apprentice Michael, are part of. Nonetheless, by her own proximity to them, she is pulled deeper and deeper into the fight for Ingary being launched by the Witch of the Waste. She must also sort through the complicated relationship of Howl and the demon who moves the castle, Calcifer. Through a combination of stubborn determination, hard work and dumb luck, Sophie succeeds in often times unexpected ways. I came to this book both as a fan of Diana Wynne Jones and of the Miazaki film, I was pleased to recognize the film in the book. Yes, there are differences but the spirit of the book was translated into the film. The novel and the film feel like coherent entity expressed in different media. There is a sequel to the novel called Castle in the Air (which is hinted at in closing credits of the film).

howl being a phd student literally the funniest thing in existence imagine being his supervisor and he’s like “sorry i’m too busy messing with magic and pissing off the witch of the waste”

OKAY THIS WAS ACTUALLY REALLY CUTE WHAT 1/2/24: I am back here just because I jsut saaw somebody say that this is actually in truth a Tam Lin retelling and I am scrEAMING DWJ!!! Not only F&H but also HMC!! anyway i would pay good money for a book accurate hmc screen adaptation

Pretty entertaining YA. The plot is haphazard and moves along in rapid spurts divided by long character developments. The novel takes place in a self-aware fairy tale world where everyone knowingly follows laws such as "the rule of three", with an interesting twist related to the nature of the world later on (which was not in the Studio Ghibli movie, as far as I can remember).

Howl’s Moving Castle is my favourite Studio Ghibli film so I was so excited to finally get to read the book. It has so much detail and so many more things than the movie has. I love the little rivalry between Howl and Sophie. The book gives us so much of Markl and Howl’s backstories. I was smiling throughout the last chapter. It just made me so happy. It makes me appreciate the movie even more. Highly recommend to everyone.

i’m on a happy little cloud.
definitely one of my favorite books ever🫶🫶🫶

every little detail matters and it made so much more sense at the end omg... so pleasantly different from the movie that i'm kinda stunned

Honestly, this made me see the movie differently (I mean, obviously) but in a good way
Howl is so much sillier (in a drama king way) in this hee hee

** spoiler alert ** 4.5 What an absolute joy to read. I found myself genuinely laughing and smiley at all of Sophie and Howl’s antics. My only complaint would be that the whole book concludes on the last page, not one chapter that ties the ending together, one page. Rather abrupt but good overall.

4.5/5 Howl is the exact type of character I'm a sucker for and so is Sophie, I love them to death.

what a charming little book

absolutely loved it! it's my favorite book up to this day :) the characters were so well-written, the writing was perfectly descriptive and suited a fantasy book. the concepts were as unique and creative as it could get. imo the movie doesn't do this justice!
not as much romance too so manage expectations if you're expecting that - but the bond between the characters is present. i adore this <3

“Unlike some people’s,” she said, “it’s natural.”
“I’ve never seen why people put such value on things being natural,”

“You don’t have to be unkind to someone in order to exploit them.“