

Jay Crownover2017
Looks can be deceiving. I knew that most people took one look at the ink and the impossibly big and strong body it covered and decided I was a brawler...a bruiser...a beast. However, I was hardwired to be a thinker, not a fighter. I should have chosen to use my brain and talents to be one of the good guys, a hero, a man with dignity and worth. I turned my back on dignity and sold my soul to the highest bidder, deciding to dance with the devil, instead. I couldn't figure out how to help myself, so there was zero chance I knew how to save someone else. That someone else was Noe Lee. She was the unkempt, unruly thief who was just as smart as I was and twice as street savvy. She was annoyingly adorable beneath the dirt and grime, and she was in trouble. In way over her head, I told myself it wasn't my job to keep her from drowning. In the Point, it was sink or swim, and I wasn't the designated lifeguard on duty. I shut the door in her face, but now she's gone...vanished...disappeared without a trace. It took less than a second for me to realize that I wanted her back. When a woman comes along that melts all the frozen, hard things you're made of; you'll do anything you have to, to bring her home. What you see is not always what you get...and with a man like me there is more than anyone ever bargained for.
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Photo of Lover of Romance
Lover of Romance @addictedtoromance
4 stars
Jan 1, 2023

After having such a wonderful time with the first book "Honor" I have been wanting to get back to this series and this author. I really always enjoy her books, and I love how more gritty her contemporaries feel and that she isn't afraid to write interracial romance and representation which is done super well here. I also enjoyed the way in that these two come together. It didn't quite make it to a five star read for me, part of that was because of the narration. To be honest, I don't recommend the narration, I would say go with it physically reading it, the narration kinda threw me off on this one here and it took me out of the romance at times. I did enjoy the way that these two come together though. Their relationship was quite fascinating. I enjoyed how they don't resist for too long what they feel for each other. I would have hoped a bit more focus on the relationship, and its possible it was there, but the narration really threw me off on this one here. But the story was super solid, it had wonderful steam in the story, and the character depth was on point. If you are a fan of this author, then this is a must read for you. She crafts such beautiful gritty world building with Breaking Point and I can't wait to explore her other works set in this world.

Photo of Stephanie czajko
Stephanie czajko@stephaniecz
4 stars
Nov 3, 2022
Photo of Kristina Sanders
Kristina Sanders@ksanders013
4 stars
Oct 6, 2022