Gathering Blue

Gathering Blue

Lois Lowry2006

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Photo of Megan Gardner
Megan Gardner@mmgardner
2 stars
May 15, 2024

I'm not sure why this is considered a part of The Giver series. The two books have no relation other than the author.

Photo of Christine
4 stars
Apr 2, 2024


Photo of Annika Arguemore
Annika Arguemore@arguemore
3 stars
Jan 14, 2024

not as great as the first book but also an adventure. although it just features a confused little girl who learns how to sew and how heavy that job seems... it was quite the reading experience. the story gives off a pleasant and peaceful vibe while being read.

Photo of Jaden Nelson
Jaden Nelson@unojaden
3 stars
Nov 30, 2023

I felt like this was more of an in between book in the series, just leading up to the more important ideas. That being said, it kept me interested, was a quick and sweet read, and helps make the 3rd book better by developing certain things(trying to be spoiler free). It was a nice story, had one great plot twist, and kept me happy and wanting to read the next book. This is getting repetitive so all in all, great book, not amazing, a little confusing, would recommend the book and entire series.

Photo of Geoffrey Froggatt
Geoffrey Froggatt@geofroggatt
2 stars
Nov 29, 2023

Lois Lowry's Gathering Blue continues the quartet beginning with the quintessential dystopian novel, The Giver, followed by Messenger and Son. Kira, an orphan with a twisted leg, lives in a world where the weak are cast aside. When she is given a task that no other community member can carry out, Kira soon realizes that she is surrounded by many mysteries and secrets. No one must know of her plans to uncover the truth about her world, and to find out what exists beyond it. I only read this book because I was forced to read the first book in high school. I didn’t find the story to be engaging and I didn’t care enough by the end to continue reading the series. This story just wasn’t memorable to me, but I think this series would have been better to read if you aren’t forced to read it in school for book reports.

Photo of Raven K
Raven K@readsbyrae15
5 stars
Nov 5, 2023

this was more enjoyable than I thought it would be. the characters were amazing honestly.

Photo of Lacy W
Lacy W@aravenclawlibrary
3 stars
Feb 22, 2023

So it wasn't that I didn't like this book because I did. I really did enjoy the simple yet complex way that Lois Lowry writes. I love that even though her books are considered middle grade, they hold a lot of very adult information in them so that teens and young adults, like me, can enjoy them. But this book was just missing the spark that I had felt when I read The Giver. This book isn't about Jonas or the Giver but about Kira. She lives in a village after what I'm assuming was some sort of devastating war. This village is pretty crappy to be honest. Nobody seems happy, children are pretty much beaten on a daily basis, and those that aren't perfect are taken to the Field to die. Kira was born with a twisted leg but because of her mother she got to live. But now orphaned, she faces certain death. However, she has a gift with fabric that just might save her life... Like I said before, I did enjoy this book but I just felt something missing. I can't quite place my finger on it. I will certainly be continuing on with the rest of the quartet because I have heard that everything gets tied together in the end and I'm quite anxious to see the conclusion of Jonas' story.

Photo of Callie Anna
Callie Anna@callieanna
3 stars
Aug 12, 2022

It was quite good. I liked learning about the characters that I had come to know in Messanger. I read this trilogy out of order, but it didn't matter that much. I definitely think that they are worth reading and don't take much time!

Photo of Meredith Boster
Meredith Boster@meredithboster
5 stars
Jun 13, 2022

It was GREAT. I read the Giver about two years ago, and decided to continute the series! It ended well, and I cannot wait to read Messenger.

Photo of Stefanie Sugia
Stefanie Sugia@stefanie_sugia
3 stars
Mar 10, 2022

"Fear was always a part of life for the people. Because of fear, they made shelter and found food and grew things. For the same reason, weapons were stored, waiting. There was fear of cold, of sickness and hunger. There was fear of beasts. And fear propelled her now as she stood, leaning on her stick." In a different community, a girl named Kira had just lost her mother due to sickness. Kira is a girl with a crippled leg, and she should've been thrown to the Field and left to die when she was a child because she would be no use to the community. And because of her mother's authority, she was able to survive. But now Kira is an orphan with no one to stand up for her, a woman named Vandara wanted to get rid of her and took her living space. The issue was then brought to the Council of Guardians; and thankfully, Kira was saved by a guardian named Jamison and got a place to live in the grand Council Edifice because of her rare skill at embroidery. "Take pride in your pain," her mother had always told her. "You are stronger than those who have none.".... Read the full review here:

Photo of Donald
2 stars
Feb 25, 2022

This is not a good book.

Photo of Jordyn Wassen
Jordyn Wassen@jordynwassen
3 stars
Feb 24, 2022

I loved this book when i first read it at the age of 12. However, rereading it 2 years later made it less interesting. Either way it was still good just not as fantastic as i remember and wasn;t like the best book i've ever read.

Photo of Nadine
Nadine @intlnadine
4 stars
Feb 18, 2022

Just beautiful- great 2nd book in the Giver quartet. I listened to the audio book with an introduction by Lois Lowry. The books are separate but each envision a different future in alternative scenarios.

Photo of Kelsi Proulx
Kelsi Proulx@kproulx
2 stars
Feb 12, 2022

Hmmm...definitely didn't enjoy this one nearly as much as The Giver. I felt bored through a lot of it and am honestly not sure why this is even part of the series. The world seems completely different and there aren't even the same characters as The Giver. The only similarity I could see is they are both dystopian. This one was about a young girl named Kira who is crippled from birth. She should have been sent to the field because she was unable to contribute to the society but her mother fought to keep her so she was allowed to stay and do simple work. Her mother dies and she is almost kicked out but is kept because she has talent as a weaver. The pacing and excitement of The Giver just isn't present in this one, the things that happened just didn't seem important and I didn't feel nearly as connected to Kira or the other characters. I will still read the third book as I have heard it continues with the original storyline, hopefully it is better.

Photo of Pela Kolsto
Pela Kolsto@pela_reads_books
4 stars
Jan 7, 2022

It was pretty good, I would say that it was pretty slow. I would have liked if it were a little more fast-paced. Anyway, I think that this book was pretty good.

Photo of Eve
3 stars
Dec 6, 2021

This would've easily been a 4+ star book if it didn't just end the way it does. It needed more of a conclusion, I think. Like, I get what was set up, but I still felt it was abrupt.

Photo of Leigh Osborne
Leigh Osborne@auty
3 stars
Nov 17, 2021

Really enjoyed this book as I never knew they were companions to the Giver. Lois Lowery really knows how to make you feel for the character.

Photo of Emily
4 stars
Nov 17, 2021

It was a wonderful book, just was hard to initially get into because of its difference from The Giver. However, once you get to the third book, Messenger, you begin to connect the dots.

Photo of Abby Hoggatt
Abby Hoggatt@abbyhoggatt
3 stars
Nov 16, 2021


Photo of Lisa Collins
Lisa Collins@leesuh
3 stars
Nov 10, 2021

2.5 stars because I couldn't decide between two or three. The extent of my love/hate relationship with this book can’t be explained properly with words. I was excited to read it after I read The Giver because I loved that book. I figured the next book in the series would arouse the same love, but that’s not so, it would seem. The first book in the series was slow, but still entirely interesting and I was very prepared for the same type of experience in the second. Gathering Blue is slow, that’s true, but when it comes to interestingness I felt like it went through phases of interesting and boring, hence the love/hate relationship. What do you say about a book you’re on the fence about? For these reasons I’m confused as to what I should rate it, let alone how I should feel about it in the grand scheme of things. I’m thinking it may be one of those books that you have to read a second time to really appreciate and collect all the information. Obviously the story was interesting to some extent if I want to read the next book, but I’m currently wondering how exactly it’s all going to be tied together, and if I’ll enjoy it. Of course, that curiosity is what will propel me farther into the story (and the quartet of books). In other news, I really liked the characters. They’re dynamic and all have their own reasons to be loved (or hated!). I loved that the main character wasn’t whiney but was still able to acknowledge that her life could be easier… and then when her life was made “easier” she had the very human reaction of homesickness. The other characters were wonderful too and I’m hoping they’re in the next book(s). For the most part I don’t regret taking the time to read this book, but I’m seriously hoping I like the next book more than I did this one. Gathering Blue wasn’t a bad book, it just wasn’t capturing my attention the way I thought it would. Perhaps in the future I’ll give it another try and see if nothing has changed in the way I feel about it.

Photo of adria
4 stars
Nov 9, 2021

Just as fantastic, if not more so, than The Giver. Absolutely adored it.

Photo of Michelle Boyea
Michelle Boyea@caffeinatedbibliophile
4 stars
Oct 27, 2021

Another great book by Lois Lowry. I was expecting this book to have the same characters as The Giver, but I was definitely wrong. While Gathering Blue is part of The Giver quartet, it focuses on an entirely new set of characters and plot than The Giver. These books were very different and I honestly cannot decide which one I like more. They were both wonderful reads. Gathering Blue was a simple read and easy to understand. While I would not say it was very engaging, it was also not boring either. It held your attention but it wasn't a book where I felt a compelling need to keep reading. With that being said, I love Kira and Matt. I think Matt was my favorite character. He has such a strong sense of self-preservation and adventure. And he is loyal to Kira which I found remarkable since they did not show the concept of loyalty with the others. While they cared about each other, they were also primarily out to defend themselves. But with Kira and Matt, they both showed that they were capable of thinking of others besides themselves. Kira cares about Matt, Thomas, and Jo. And all 4 care about each other. Loyalty is a very strong theme throughout this book. I love Kira. She is a strong and resilient girl. Even though she has a deformity, she does not let it stop her. She does not submit when they try to kick her out. She stays loyal to her friends even when she has the chance to leave. And she measures up to every task that is put before her. She is a strong example that you can do anything you set your mind to. I felt that this book ended with a cliffhanger, which I will not describe here, if you want to know, leave a comment or message. While it was not a large cliffhanger, I am anxious to read the third book now. Hopefully it will contain the same characters. Although the first book also had a small cliffhanger as well. I hope that the quartet answers all my questions. Spoilers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do not read further unless you want some of the plot given away Current questions from Gathering Blue 1. Why is there no blue in the village? 2. Does Jamison care about Kira or does he simply want to control her talents? 3. Is there magic with Kira's, Thomas's, and Jo's talents? How did they simply "know" what to do? 4. Will Kira be reunited with her father again or will Jamison discover he is still alive? 5. Was Annabella murdered? Same with Jo's parents. 6. Why are the parents in the Fen so cruel with their children? 7. Why is the Singer in chains?

Photo of Angie
4 stars
Oct 19, 2021


Photo of Laura Allen
Laura Allen@lauraandmason
4 stars
Aug 31, 2021

I really liked this book. Not as much as The Giver, but it's still pretty good. My only complaint is that the ending seemed rushed and predictable.

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