One Piece, Vol. 1 Romance Dawn

screaming, crying, throwing up

➺ 4/5 🌟 the first round fight between luffy and mr. crocodile. i already expected that luffy wouldn't be able to beat him just like that. i wonder what's the issue about nico robin though. also, chopper and usopp barely winning their own fight!





5/5 i honestly loved this little baratie arc. sanji's farewell greeting made me tear up

4/5 zoro was about to become a wax figure but still remain unbothered. he even striked a pose lol and sanji missing all the action because he's cooking a lizard!! this is pure chaos!

4/5 the battle with arlong's crew is so chaotic but so much fun. luffy getting his neck stretched in order to breathe is the most memorable part. excited to see how he's going to defeat arlong because i don't think it's going to be that easy

5/5 first thing! that pretty lady i saw on the title pages from buggy's side story is actually alvida? what in the world kind of devil fruit is so accurate in choosing someone who would eat it?? buggy's also back at it after collecting his missing torso lol luffy getting bounty on his head for the first time and it's 30 freaking million berries. and he's quite proud of it. also, he almost got executed and he still wasn't fazed. so excited because the navy is also on their heels now!!


➺ 3/5 🌟 i hate that bellamy guy. please tell me the crew will beat him up

5/5 sanji and chef zeff's history though 💀😢

5/5 Might be late, but I now decided to start this journey!

4/5 the crew finally entered the grand line!! what a hilarious entrance, though! i think this volume was a set up for a bigger arc. it mentioned the organization 'baroque works' and i feel like they're not just some small-time enemy. i'm honestly so excited for what's about to happen! ps: they're going to come back for laboon in the future right??? i really hope so because that humongous whale is so precious!!

4/5 now i've seen some familiar characters like vivi and nico robin in this volume. i'm glad that aside from their appearance, i know nothing about them. i want to go into this blind for the plot!! and now the crew is on their way to save a princess. luffy being friendly with the giant and i thought, there's no way they would leave that island without fighting the big guy right? and i'm right! i wonder if it's miss all sunday's trick to put something on that ale?

➺ 4.5/5 🌟 ace appears!! i may not know a lot of known OP characters but i definitely know ace!! he was jusy introduced and i'm already liking him so much! and the crew are now up against one of the seven warlords and his organization. this is going to be so much fun!! mr. crocodile has this major antagonist vibe to him and i'm expecting a not so very easy fight from this arc!!

➺ 4/5 🌟 mr bushido zoro's fight is my favorite fight in this volume. i freaking love that very last panel of him slicing daz bonez but luffy, where are you?????

5/5 [SPOILER} the introduction to sanji! i also think hawkeye's character is interesting! i don't know much about his personality but i'm liking what i'm seeing so far. the panel of zoro crying and making a promise to become the greatest swordsman is really amazing. now, about nami's 'betrayal', gonna be the next arc right?

➺ 3.5/5 🌟 There are a lot of important figures introduced in this volume. I think those characters are going to be significant in the overall plot, not just in a single, small arc. Shanks made an appearance, and Ace too. A few of the seven warlords were introduced too. But for now, they're off to the sky island!

5/5 welcome to the crew, chopper. i feel like the next arc is going to be epic! that last panel of this volume hyped me up so much and i'm so excited for what's to come! also in this volume, i got a tiny glimpse of ace, a character that i know even without reading/watching the series! now, off to alabasta!!

➺ 3.5/5 🌟 i love the way that noland the liar's tale about the island with the gold 400 years ago is connected in this arc. zoro's extremely poor sense of direction and luffy relying on the temperature for the direction are the highlights of this volume and it's never not funny!!

➺ 5/5 🌟 this is so exciting!! that part where smoker was chasing the crew inside the casino, then suddenly in the next panel all of them were caught inside the cage. i don't know but i laughed harder than i should because of that. and sanji taunting mr. crocodile is just so satisfying to see!! sanji is a living proof that mr. crocodile was once fooled by him. i'm enjoying this arc so much!!!

5/5 i freaking loved this volume so much! might be my one of my favorite volumes of this series so far. chopper's backstory hit me with so much emotions. wapol deserves death, an incredibly painful one

The world's greatest swordsman, that's great! And it's fitting since your new boss is going to be the king of the pirates! Anything else would make me look bad!

and best of all, pirates have freedom!!

These things cannot be stopped. An inherited strength of will. One's Dreams. The ebb and flow of the ages. As long as people hunger for freedom . . . These things will exist.

Betrayal is your specialty!!
correct; i do, in fact, feel very betrayed.

Grit counts more than steel.
these moments where characters see what kind of person luffy is are everything & chef zeff's definitely grown on me throughout this entire fight.

You've been a very bad kitty. Stay down and shut up, and I may let you live!
if i wasn't sure i was going to love zoro before, i am now.