Our Options Have Changed

5 "This Book Literally Killed Me" Stars So... I guess Our Options Have Changed? I legit didn't know what to expect when going into this book and let's just say that's a good thing. This book definitely through me off kilter in the first few chapters because of Chloe's umm job... not that her job is anything outlandish like a stripper (actually that is more expected these days), but instead she is this powerhouse women who is in charge of O. Yah O. O apparently is the place to be if you are rich and anyone important, like a spa for the women who are in the know. And there are a lot of special features that you can get at O and not anywhere else *cough, cough*. So Chloe's whole job through me off at first because you don't really go into romance books nowadays and expect the female lead to be completely in control of her life and professional career... thank you Fifty Shades for creating the trend of an underpowered women trying to fit in the big leagues. But yah that's totally changed in this book! I love it when the main characters are unexpected and the authors totally hit this on the head for this novel. Chloe was cool confidence with the kind of career that I aspire to! If nothing else, check out this book because of Chloe! The authors did a really good job of revealing the plot slowly enough that I was kept guessing but not too slow where I was bored with the characters. As you read, you become more and more involved within the world created and learn more about the characters and their lives. It was a couple pages in before there was even a love interest and a couple pages more after that before you find out how Chloe's life changes forever. Basically this book was perfectly paced! onto the blurb: Chloe is getting ready to adopt when she meets a man who sparks her interest. The catch? He just got all of the kids out of the nest and was looking for that illusive "freedom" he heard so much about while raising his three children. So when the two meet and sparks fly, let's just say it gets complicated and things change. Add in an adorable baby girl who just won't quit, a dress that pops open during a meeting, and an ex-wife determined to re-kindle the flame and you know this book will be a great one! Like I mentioned before, the characters are pretty awesome *aka chloe*, but I also really enjoyed some of the other not-so-main characters. Some of the best moments of this novel come out of characters like Nick's adult children and Chloe's best friends. I really loved the sense of hilarity in this book that matched the heart-ache and struggles of the characters. This balance fit perfectly with the plot and made this book into a 5-star read. Overall this was a fantabulous book filled with characters you wanted to laugh with and then strangle when the going gets tough. There are definitely a lot of sides to the story to consider but I loved how well the book came together and especially the ending!